Absolute Beginners six week mini course with Lisa & David

Absolute Beginners six week mini course with Lisa & David

Over 65s Reformer pilates strength course. Beginners welcome !

Date and time

Thu, 26 Sep 2024 18:00 - Thu, 31 Oct 2024 19:00 GMT+1


Hot Yoga Dublin | YogaNextDoor | Dublin | Malahide

unit 4 burnell green 4 Northern Cross Ireland

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 35 days 2 hours

Beginners Yoga Course

Thursdays starting on September 26th

Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Yoga Next Door Studio

Cost: 6 weeks €110

New to yoga? Don’t know where to start? Start here!


Join two of our senior teachers, Lisa and David for a fun beginners course that will help you to feel happy and confident in joining any yoga class.

Whether you’re in it to tone up or tune up, meditate or move mindfully, Lisa and David will help you to discover the essentials. You will spend six Thursday evenings together finding out how to breathe and bend, flex and flow, stretch and surrender. You’ll cover all of the main poses – starting with their names!

Benefits of the Course:

  • Improved Flexibility: Regular practice helps lengthen and stretch muscles, improving overall flexibility.
  • Enhanced Strength: Yoga poses help build muscle strength and endurance.
  • Better Posture: Awareness of body alignment improves posture and reduces strain.
  • Stress Relief: Breathing techniques and relaxation practices help reduce stress and promote calmness.
  • Increased Body Awareness: Improved proprioception and balance.
  • Mental Clarity: Meditation and mindful practice enhance concentration and mental clarity.
  • Overall Well-being: A balanced practice supports physical, mental, and emotional health.

Our Yoga for Beginners Course will be held in the Yoga Next Door Studio space.

What we’ll cover week by week:

Week 1 – Introduction, ground and breathe

Learn basic breathing techniques (pranayama.) Find your feet in foundational asana to include standing postures like mountain pose, side-angle pose, downward-facing dog and the warrior series. Class will finish with a short relaxation - savasana.

Week 2 – Building strength and a solid foundation

Learn techniques to stabilise the shoulder girdle in order to build core strength through asana like plank pose and boat pose (navasana). Strengthening the Legs and Glutes Chair Pose (Utkatasana) Revisit downward-facing dog incorporating shoulder stability, transitions and modifications. Guided relaxation.

Week 3 – Salute

Sun salutations: how to break down and rebuild the central sequence of any flow class. Time to practise, refine and ask any questions! We will learn how to safely create space in the hamstrings and find fluidity in the spine in order to transition safely and with confidence. Savasana!

Week 4 – Twist and release

Demystifying backward bends and forward folds. Integrating core strength in backward bending postures such as cobra pose (bhujangasana), bridge pose (setu bandhasana) seated and propping options to safely explore forward folding postures like seated forward bend (paschimottanasana) butterfly pose (baddha konasana) cat-cow pose (marjaryasana-bitilasana) seated spinal twist (ardha matsyendrasana) revolved triangle pose (parivrtta trikonasana)

Week 5 – Balance and play

Understand applying core strength, unilateral balance and how to integrate and radiate! We will have fun with poses like tree pose (vrksasana), half-moon pose and warrior III

Week 6 - Bringing It All Together

Full flow sequence integrating learned poses, breath and movement. Emphasis on smooth transitions. Basic techniques for mindfulness and relaxation. Understanding balancing the yin with the yang. Options and props to access the hips in pigeon pose (eka pada rajakapotasana)

By the end of this course, participants will have a solid foundation in basic yoga poses, breathing techniques, and relaxation methods, enabling them to continue their practice confidently.

What to Wear:

Complete beginners welcome! Just wear something you are comfortable moving in. Breathable, stretchy fabrics that allow for free movement (e.g., leggings, yoga pants, shorts, tank tops, T-shirts). Bare Feet: Yoga is typically practised barefoot to ensure a good grip and proper alignment

What to Bring:

Bring your own non-slip yoga mat but if you don’t have one, we’ve got you covered! Water bottle to stay hydrated. We’ll provide all other props for the course.

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