ACN Blacktown Carers Support Group

ACN Blacktown Carers Support Group

A time for you to have a break, meet with other carers and build new friendships in a relaxed environment. Join other carers who get it.

By Autism Community Network
Lots of repeat customers 📈

Select date and time

Thu, 3 Apr 2025 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM AEDT


Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST)

81 Eastern Road Rooty Hill, NSW 2766 Australia

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

This group meets on the first Thursday of the month.

Facilitators: Alison and Vanessa

Join our FREE Peer to Peer Carer's Support Group at the Parklands Café on the ground level of Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub, the first Thursday of the month from 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Peer support groups are an avenue for carers/parents to meet others in a similar situation.

Come along and enjoy a break with other carers who get it.

At Autism Community Network you are part of our tribe. A network of support where you will make friendships while sharing the wins, the challenges, laugh, cry, exchange knowledge and advice, all in a safe environment, with no judgement.

At ACN, We see you! We hear you!

ACN requires everyone attending our events to follow our participant’s code of conduct found here.

Organised by

Lots of repeat customers

The ACN was setup in Sydney in 2011 as a non-profit grassroots organisation committed to supporting people impacted by autism. Our mission is to help people on the spectrum and their families lead full, rich and rewarding lives.