Anime / Manga Drawing Club Hervey Bay - *No booking required* 12 years+

Anime / Manga Drawing Club Hervey Bay - *No booking required* 12 years+

Anime/Manga Drawing Club for teens and young adults Bring your current art project and enjoy the company of fellow artists.

By Fraser Coast Libraries

Select date and time

Thursday, May 8 · 3:30 - 4:30pm AEST


Hervey Bay Library

161 Old Maryborough Road Pialba, QLD 4655 Australia

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Event Description: Anime / Manga Drawing Club

Do you enjoy creating your own Anime/Manga creations at home?

Come along to our Anime/Manga Drawing Club for teens and young adults to 25 years of age.

Bring your current art project and enjoy the company of fellow artists. We have resources

available for you to use.

Ages 12 years + No bookings required

Where: Hervey Bay Library

Date: 2nd Thursday of the month

Time: 3.30pm-4.30pm

Bookings not required. During school term only.

We ask that you stay home if you are feeling unwell or are displaying cold/flu symptoms, no matter how mild.

If you are unable to attend this event, please cancel your ticket via Eventbrite or contact us on 41974220 so we can offer your place to someone else.

Organized by

Fraser Coast Libraries provide Community Programs with regular and special activities for different ages and interests. We also provide Digital Literacy Programs including regular introductory classes to computers and using the internet.