ARTiculate Health Economics to support understanding of microeconomics

ARTiculate Health Economics to support understanding of microeconomics

Explore how we decide what is fair and who should decide what is fair, while looking at some examples from the COVID-19 policy response.

By University of Sydney - Arts and Social Sciences

Date and time

Mon, 19 Jul 2021 11:00 PM - 11:45 PM PDT



About this event

Healthcare is a rich setting in which to study economics. A relevant example for every concept and tool used in economics can be found in this complex industry.

In healthcare, the stakes are high – often a matter of life and death. There are always winners and losers. While much of economics avoids discussing value judgements and focus on questions that have objective and verifiable answers, all policies are ultimately based on a value judgement. It is impossible to avoid discussing the values that lie behind the policy in health economics.

In this talk, we will examine the key questions of how we decide what is fair and who should decide what is fair, while looking at some examples from the COVID-19 policy response.

Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions during Q&A.

*This talk is suitable for Year 11-12 students.

*A supervising adult must be present throughout the talk for safety purposes.

About the presenter

Dr Rebecca McKibbin is an applied micro-economist. She teaches health economics and labor economics at The University of Sydney School of Economics. Her research examines the adoption of science into medical practice and how this impacts population health. Prior to completing her PhD at Yale University, she was an economist at Deloitte Access Economics and the Reserve Bank of Australia.

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