Inspired by a true story, The Mademoiselle Alliance follows the journey of Marie-Madeleine, a young, glamorous Parisienne mother who led the largest spy network in France.
From 1928 in Morocco to 1938 in Paris, Marie-Madeleine is an adventurer, dabbling in intelligence work for the government. As Europe faces war, a mysterious codenamed man Navarre recruits her to help build a resistance network known as the Alliance. Marie-Madeline then embarks on a perilous double life away from her children and the man she loves.
Based on the true story of Marie-Madeleine Fourcade, the only woman to lead a resistance network in WWII France, The Mademoiselle Alliance brings her story of epic love, tragic loss and magnificent leadership to life.
Natasha Lester is bestselling author of The Paris Seamstress, The French Photographer, The Paris Secret and The Riviera House.
Meet the author and discover more about her fascinating historical research process as Natasha joins us live in conversation at our Helensvale Library.
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