A rhythm, rhyme and repetition early literacy program for newborns to crawlers (0-18 months) and their caregivers.
Support your baby with their physical and social development, while firing up their language centres!
This session includes tummy time, finger play, lifting and songs, with caregivers encouraged to actively support their little ones by engaging in singing, movement and cuddles. Meet other parents and add some new songs to your arsenal!
Make sure to bring a blanket for tummy time.
Weekly during school terms. No bookings required.
Please contact us if you have accessibility requirements:
Phone: 1300 655 355
Email: contact_us@darebin.vic.gov.au
The fine print
There’s space inside the library to park your pram, but please keep your valuables with you.
All adults at this program must be accompanied by a small child. If you’re an adult at the library without a child, you can check out one of the programs designed for adults.
Image: Graphic of adults holding babies in different poses, plus two babies playing on the floor. Text says Northcote Library Baby Rhyme Time.