The creamy-white Marri blossom that can sometimes cover the Perth Hills' forest in a snow-like blanket is a signal the Noongar season of Bunuru, sometimes known as the "second summer", has begun. This time of year is characterised by long, hot days and warm evenings, but a myriad of wildlife species can be observed and appreciated.
Join local wildlife ecologist Simon Cherriman for this environmental education session to learn about what wildlife species, especially mammals, birds and insects, are up to during the Bunuru season. There will be time for Q&A.
An evening wildlife "spotto" walk with Simon is being planned in the near future as a practical activity complementing this talk. Make sure you follow Shire of Mundaring Libraries on Eventbrite, or are signed up for the library eNewsletter to keep informed about events and programs.
Bookings are essential for this free event. Light refreshments will be available. You are encouraged to bring your own keep cup for tea/coffee or water.
Please let us know if you have any access requirements.
About Simon Cherriman: Simon is an award-winning environmental scientist/ ecologist, writer, educator and wildlife filmmaker and an enthusiastic advocate for the unique Australian bush and its creatures. Simon is a WA Parks Foundation Ambassador and a popular and highly engaging public speaker. As well as being the founder of The Re-Cyc-Ology Project, he manages iNSiGHT Ornithology which specialises in bird-related research and environmental education, and he is currently undertaking PhD research on Wedge-tailed Eagle population dynamics and movement ecology at Murdoch University. Learn more about Simon at, or via Simon's Instagram profile Waalitj.
Image credit: Simon Cherriman