Buddhist Yearly Kathina celebration 2024

Come join us for the Buddhist Yearly Kathina celebration, a traditional gathering to offer robes and supplies to monks and enjoy the day out

Date and time

Sun, 10 Nov 2024 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM AEDT


Wat Phra Dhammakaya Sydney

1 Inspiration Place Berrilee, NSW 2159 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Welcome to the Buddhist Yearly Kathina celebration at Wat Phra Dhammakaya Sydney! Join us for a day filled with spiritual blessings, offerings, and community gatherings. This event is a wonderful opportunity to come together with fellow Buddhists to celebrate and honor our traditions. Don't miss out on this special occasion to deepen your practice and connect with like-minded individuals. Lots of delicious Thai food stalls for all to enjoy.

All donations will go towards the development of new meditation hall to cater for local and international visitors. The meditation hall will also be used for all important Bhuddist events.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Schedule for the day

At 9:30 am. Pay homage to the triple gem and Dhammajakra sutra chanting

At 9:50 am. Morning Meditation practice

At 10:10 am. The request of 5 precepts

At 10:15 am. Food offering to monks’ ceremony and receive monks’ blessing

At 10:30 am. Alms offering to 20 monks ceremony

At 11:00am Food offering to monks in the monks’ dining room

At 11:15 am Lay people enjoy lunch at various food stalls

At 12:30 pm. Historic photo shoot for All kathina sponsors inside meditation hall

At 1 pm. Group Historic photos in-front of master nun monument

At 1:30 pm. All guests and sponsors set up the kathina procession

At 2 pm Kathina parade

At 2:20 pm. Afternoon Meditation for mind purification prior to the ceremony

At 2:30 pm. Kathina offering ceremony

At 2:45 pm. Requisite offering ceremony

At 3pm dhamma talk and monks give blessing

At 3:30 pm the end of the ceremony

Organised by

True and lasting happiness is not distant." It is within us; we must just allow oneself to sit still, to let go of all thoughts and be quiet in the present moment.”Meditation is the path to bring us to true happiness and stillness is the key to success.Practice to reach true happiness. We must allow our mind back to ourselves in its own place. We can find the source of happiness in the centre of our body, about the end of our deep breath. It is our body’s centre of gravity, the balancing point between mind and body, found exactly above the navel level, two finger widths. When the peaceful point is activated or connected the practitioner will be able to reach the source of happiness.

Hosting the full day meditation retreat, I invite you to join me on this beautiful journey towards inner peace. Together, let's create ripples of tranquility that will transcend borders and unite hearts. Imagine a million meditators, one million souls coming together, synchronizing their vibrations, and radiating positive energy simultaneously. Together, we can create a symphony of serenity, a ripple effect that will transcend borders and touch hearts.

It's time to awaken the power within us, to bring forth a wave of peace that will reverberate across the globe. Let's open our hearts, expand our consciousness, and be the change we wish to see in the world. My name is Chollanart, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey towards World peace through the power of meditation.

Through this full day meditation retreat, let's ignite awareness and cultivate the harmony within. Quiet your mind, unleash the power of stillness, and discover the endless well of peace that resides in every corner of your being.
