CHS Iftar 2022

CHS Iftar 2022

at 28 April Coburg High School in the Library

By Coburg High School

Date and time

Thu, 28 Apr 2022 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM AEST


Coburg High School

101 Urquhart Street Coburg, VIC 3058 Australia

About this event

Kids have been asking about it, teachers are keen and new families are probably wondering what this is event about - but yes - Iftar is on again. Regardless of your background, come along to join those breaking fast during Ramadan. Bring some food and share with everyone else.

Students undertaking Ramadan are especially asked to invite their friends and families to join them in learning about their culture and sharing in a meal. 

As two of our school values include Curiosity and Community, what better way to display them than by coming along and meeting families, discovering something new about a different culture or just your own? 


Who can I bring to the Iftar?

Members of your immediate family are invited. Children need to be supervised whilst at Coburg High School, but please bring the kids! This is an informal event and families are encouraged to move about, meet others and enjoy themselves.  

What food can I bring to the Iftar?

If Ramadan is part of your culture, please bring the traditional foods and drinks that you usually eat and drink. We may have a range of cultures represented: Saudi, Lebanese, Somalian, Pakistani, etc. If an Iftar is new to you, then you may wish to bring any usual dinner foods that can be shared with others. A more creative option is to attempt some Iftar classics. This may mean doing a little Googling or better yet having a conversation or two on Sydney road! Either way, sticking to Halal foods will mean that all can share.

What drinks can I bring to the Iftar? 

There are certain drinks that usually only make an appearance during Iftar, otherwise, fruit juices are the go. Apart from being 'Haram' (forbidden) alcohol is not allowed.  

How much food should I bring to the Iftar?

Be reasonable. You do not need enough to feed everyone and if everyone brings enough for a family, there will be plenty! If you have a unique drink, something sweet, or an amazing talent in the kitchen - your food might go quicker.

How will we share food? 

Table areas will be set up for people to share with tongs/ gloves supplied for safe sharing. Floor space will also be an option. Students may wish to organise with their friends beforehand which families will sit together. Hand sanitiser will be available also.

Do I have to fast before the Iftar? 

No! If you are not observing Ramadan then you do not need to fast during the day, but there is nothing stopping you either. In many Islamic countries, food options are limited during daylight hours of Ramadan, so many Westerners have gone through the experience by default! 

Will there be microwaves for reheating food? 

Yes, there will be access to microwaves.

Will there be access to sinks for cleaning? 

Yes, there will be access to a sink in the library.

Should I bring disposable cups, plates etc. ? 

Yes please! bad for the environment (although paper is less of an issue than plastic) but this is still recommended in terms of hygiene.

Will there be a place for people to pray? 

Yes, the theatrette is available to prayers and close by to the library.  

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