These tickets are weekly bookings for the 10:30am sessions of Circle of Stories held at Mudgee.
There are tickets available for each session held in Mudgee (Wednesdays & Thursdays 9:30am (full term bookings) and Wednesdays & Thursdays 10:30am (weekly bookings)).
Tickets are not able to be transferred to a session held at a different time or day. If you cannot attend a session, please contact the library, as multiple unexplained absences may void your space in this session.
Term 4 session dates are:
Week 1 - Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th October 10:30am
Week 2 - Wednesday 30th & Thursday 31st October 10:30am
Week 3 - Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th November 10:30am
Week 4 - Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th November 10:30am
Week 5 - Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st November 10:30am
Week 6 - Wednesday 27th & Thursday 28th November 10:30am
Week 7 - Wednesday 4th & Thursday 5th December 10:30am
Week 8 - Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th December 10:30am
Week 9 - Wednesday 18th & Thursday 19th December 10:30am
Circle of Stories is an early childhood literacy program for children up to school age (0-5). Sessions include a mixture of stories, songs, and a simple craft activity including elements of sensory learning.
Booking are essential for each attendee. Please book a spot for each child attending.
There is a minimum number of children required to run our sessions, unfortunately if this number is not reached we may have to cancel the session at short notice.