Crafting A Better Future for Ourselves, Our Kids, Our Communities

Crafting A Better Future for Ourselves, Our Kids, Our Communities

Social researcher Maggie Hamilton talks about how we can create a better future for communities and youth.

Date and time

Saturday, September 28 · 1:30 - 2:30pm AEST


Zen Oasis

230 Medway Road Medway, NSW 2577 Australia


1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Crafting A Better Future for Ourselves, Our Kids, Our Communities

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Q&A with Maggie

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

As an author, social researcher and former publisher, Maggie writes books and for magazines, give frequent talks, and is passionate about social trends - where we're going and why. She is the author of “What Men Don’t Talk About”, “What’s Happening to Our Girls?” and “What’s Happening to Our Boys?” Then came “When We Become Strangers” which examines our growing estrangement from ourselves and each other – as seen in our homes and workplaces, our communities, towns and cities. And, most importantly, how we can tackle loneliness. And her new book is “What Happens to Our Kids When We Fail to Grow Up?”

In her talk, Maggie will explore such concerns as:
Why do so many young people feel isolated? Why are they the most forgetful generation on the planet? How does loneliness feed their fears, their sense of entitlement? Why are they reaching out less, blaming and complaining more? What of our growing trends towards narcissism and escapism? How do we recognize when the infant in us comes out to play - needing to be rescued a lot and wanting others to do the heavy lifting? What does tomorrow require of us and our kids? Why are workplaces and unis struggling with the young people they work with, the young people they teach? How do we help our kids to become healthy mature adults?

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