Creative Facilitation: Bring Your Meetings & Training to Life #27

Creative Facilitation: Bring Your Meetings & Training to Life #27

Learn practical & immediate ways to bring your meetings, workshops, training and events to life. It will transform how you work with groups.

Date and time

January 21, 2025 · 9:30am - January 22, 2025 · 3pm AEDT


The Larwill Studio

48 Flemington Road Parkville, VIC 3000 Australia

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 30 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


Day One Program
Day Two Program

9:30 AM

Welcome, Overview and Connecting

We'll bust some myths about facilitating events and how they should begin. Leaving connecting to chance favours the extroverts in the group. We'll show you how to connect everyone in a short time, an...

11:30 AM

Sharing Information

Information is ubiquitous, and often time-consuming and boring. Not in our workshops though! We'll show you how to share even complicated technical data that keeps people interested and engaged.

1:30 PM

Group-generated Knowledge

Creating ways for people to share what they know and what they think without having to compete with the loudest voices.

3:00 PM

Prioritising and Decision-making

Groups are often bad at prioritising, and many don't know how they could make decisions.

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 day 5 hours

A recent participant wrote: "This training was more joyful, enlightening and useful than any I have experienced before. It has completely changed the way I approach facilitation and design."

This workshop for facilitators and trainers will give you practical ways of sharing information that keeps people engaged and interested. We'll also do some activities that give people ways to share their own knowledge and experiences.

There will be facilitation tips aplenty: the problem with some room set-ups; the importance of finishing on time; avoiding the Plenary Vortex and the Teacher Trance...

This is our foundation workshop where we explore processes and activities to bring more aliveness to training and events so as you can make the best use of people's time and energy. It complements the ideas in our book, Creative Facilitation, and offers hands-on learning in a small group.

Who should attend?

Anyone responsible for designing and leading training or events, especially where there's a lot of content to cover - whether it's internal, with clients, for consultation, feedback, generating ideas or learning. Anyone who is frustrated and a bit bored by existing approaches.

What can I expect?

You'll be surprised by the variety and depth of ways to engage people, and you'll experience for yourself what each feels like. You'll be able to talk about your reactions and insights with other professionals grappling with the same issues that you are. You'll spend very little time sitting down, a lot of time doing; and while our appraoches are grounded in behavioural science, you won't be bombarded with theory. You'll leave with practical ideas to try at your next meeting or event.

We will have different types of conversations, we’ll look at different ways of looking at the same thing, we’ll do activities, we’ll use the space we’re in, and the surroundings. It will be fun, and we'll sometimes challenge the conventions of training and facilitation.

There will be less formal structure than in conventional training; instead we'll be exploring how the whole group can create and shape the experience together - in some ways this is the metaskill of facilitation.

There will be lots of opportunities to share experiences, practice what you are learning and plan for lively events.

What topics do you cover?

Beyond traditional approaches - How to avoid the mistakes that traditional education teaches us about how people share, learn and interact.

Participatory approaches - Ways of sharing information, gathering ideas, and learning together that helps a group connect and engage with the content. How to create an environment of open-ness and trust, and getting people to work together.

Beyond words - How to get beyond wordy, and worthy, sometimes meaningless, words using photos, action and story.

Bravo! You as a performer - While the group, and the processes you use, are important, what about you? How do you deal with challenges, stage fright, a crisis of confidence? The second day of this workshop focuses on YOU and gives you tips and tools to manage yourself, especially when things go wrong.

Your hosts...

Viv McWaters worked as a journalist, and in communications, and community education, training and strategy development. She now specialises in facilitation and participatory evaluation and draws on her background in the natural sciences and arts. Viv help groups discover new approaches to the work that matters for them, and designs workshops, conferences and training to bring them to life.

Viv studied agricultural science at Longerenong Agricultural College, and has a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies from RMIT University, and a Masters in Applied Science (Agriculture and Rural Development) from the University of Western Sydney.

Improvisation is a constant source of inspiration, as is nature, play and the surprising things that people say and do. Currently, Viv is researching the role of applied improvisation in preparing people to respond in uncertainty, particularly disaster response.

Margaret Foulkes' niche is to connect others while creating positive change. Her experience, energy and creativity shine through in the design and delivery of her work. Providing a balance between self-reflection, group work and storytelling in her workshops ensures everyone leaves with new ideas, understanding or awareness. As well as facilitation, Margaret is an accomplished Project Manager. She has a natural ability to establish a rapport with people from all walks of life, ensure everyone feels heard and explores ways to find innovative solutions collaboratively when challenges arise. Margaret believes that a healthy relationship with both client and participant is much more likely to achieve successful outcomes. A Bachelor of Teaching and over 25 years of experience in education and the community sector have equipped her with the tools to read a room and naturally adapt on the delivery based on participant response and individual needs. Margaret is passionate in promoting and supporting others to flourish and in providing a positive environment for people to take risks and stretch themselves.

What others say

"Highly recommended. It was a refreshing and energising experience, excellent for those both new to facilitation and those with more experience wanting to reconnect with the art of facilitation. Creative Facilitation reinforces a strengths-based approach to working with groups. Ego-less facilitation; masterfully designed and facilitated, thanks to Viv." Lindy Amos, Collective Possibilities

"The most exciting and useful training I've ever engaged in! It was interactive, informative and incredibly useful. I will use this whenever I facilitate a group to ensure the best learning outcomes are acheived for the group participants." Participant in NSW Health Training

"The greatest part of the Creative Facilitation workshop is the learning space Viv creates. Not only do you learn her facilitation methods and theory, you get to live and breathe them by participating in activities and experiencing them for yourself. So valuable." Melanie Starr, Northcote Rental Housing Cooperative

Covid Stuff

There's no getting around it - we're still in a global pandemic and uncertainty abounds. If we cancel due to Covid-19 restrictions, or because we are unable to run the workshop, you will recive a full refund (or credit for a future course if you prefer - the choice is yours). If you are unable to attend because of Covid-19 you will receive a full refund. We will use Covid-safe practices during the workshop.

The Small Print

GST of 10% is added to your registration fee.

Cost includes refreshments and lunch on both days.

Early bird rates require booking and PAYMENT to be completed before the close of early bird sales.

We understand that sometimes plans change. If you find you need to cancel, we'll be sorry and will reimburse your registration fee less a 20% handling charge. We can't accept cancellations after 6 January 2025. Substitutions are okay. See notes above regarding Covid-19 cancellations.

Frequently asked questions

What time do you start and finish on both days?

Day One starts at 9.30am and finishes at 4.00pm. Day Two starts at 9.30am and finishes at 3.00pm.

I've never heard of the Larwill Studio. What is it?

The Larwill Studio is an Art Series Hotel celebrating the work of David Larwill. It has all the amenities of a hotel: reception, restaurant and bar, accommodation. The Larwill Studio is a part of the commercial properties attached the Royal Children's Hospital

Is there parking?

Parking is available in the underground carparks for $34 a day. There is limited street parking nearby, and should be used with caution due to restrictions. There is ample bicycle parking.

How do I get to The Larwill Studio by public transport?

Both #55 and #59 trams stop directly outside the hotel on Flemington Road (Stop #19)

Organized by

Director and owner of Beyond the Edge, and co-founder of Creative Facilitation, Viv McWaters, creates events that enable people to connect in more human ways.

Working with colleagues across the globe, she does event design, facilitation and training with an edge and a particular emphasis on creativity, spontaneity and responsiveness.

Early bird discount
From A$605