Disability Collective Symposium

Disability Collective Symposium

Navigating Disabled Rights in Higher Education

Date and time

Thursday, October 3 · 11am - 1pm AEST


Steele Building (3)

Staff House Road Saint Lucia, QLD 4067 Australia

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Navigating one’s rights within tertiary education is no easy task, especially for those with a disability. In a time after the Disability Royal Commission, which, dishearteningly, did not include any recommendations regarding teratiary education, students are left to attempt to traverse university with only the pre-existing (and problematic) framework.

This symposium aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn more about what their rights are within tertiary education and what avenues are available to them should something go wrong. The symposium is drawing upon the expertise of lawyers, Dr Robin Banks, Rebekah Leong, and Matilda Alexander, as well as university advocate Brooke Szücs. Note: the panellists will not be providing individual legal recommendations.

This event is being held at 03-329 - Steele Building, Collaborative Room, St Lucia campus, or you will also be able to join online via Zoom - more details to come! In-person attendees will enjoy light drinks and refreshments.

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