Easter Holiday Workshop + Mini Makeover with Glitter Girls Pamper Parties
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Easter Holiday Workshop + Mini Makeover with Glitter Girls Pamper Parties


We're back to keep the kids busy in the school holidays! TAke home easter baskets & decorate easter eggs then have a mini makeover too!

By Glittergirlspamperparties

Date and time

Tuesday, April 15 · 10am - 12pm AEST.


Como West Guide Hall

Corner of Warraba Street & Mulyan Street Como, NSW 2226 Australia


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Easter school holiday workshops

Good to know


  • 2 hours
  • In person
  • Free venue parking
  • Doors at 9:55 AM

Do all the staff have experience with children?

yes, all the staff are from Glitter girls pamper parties events with Lisa.

About this event

Drop the kids of and enjoy some me time! If you prefer to stay there is plenty of room for the parents.

The kids will create Easter baskets and decorate easter eggs to take home. Girls then get a mini makeover with "Oh Flossy" eyeshadow, blush, sparkly gems and lipgloss, the boys will enjoy having their hair coloured.

Children to bring their own water bottle, snacks supplied.

Dancing games will be a fun way to end the session if there is enough time.

The venue has toilets and ample free street parking.

Organized by
