Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) UnConference

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) UnConference

The EDI UnConference is fast approaching again this year! Come along to share, connect, and listen from diverse voices in the UQ community.

Date and time

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM AEST


Terrace Room, Sir Llew Edwards Building (14)

Campbell Road Saint Lucia, QLD 4067 Australia

About this event

UQ EDI UnConference: Sharing knowledge, ideas and community without hierarchy

The EDI UnConference is all about platforming the diverse voices, lived experiences, and the work of people who live, study, and work at the University of Queensland. You are welcome to come along to hear from our wonderful speakers, share your own thoughts and experiences, and connect with a professional network who are passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion.

This year's theme of Connect, Listen, Learn will highlight the importance of Connection as the foundation for change, to bring focus to the why and how of Listening, and to create ways of Learning that puts EDI on the map for all. We aim to:

1. Create a safe space for the sharing of, and learning from, knowledge and lived experiences,

2. Raise awareness and advocacy for EDI, and

3. Connect staff and students from diverse backgrounds to allow for mentorship and encouragement.

You are very welcome to attend as many sessions as you would like / are able to! We are offering many of the sessions as hybrid options. The in-person presentations will be held at the Terrace Room, Sir Llew Edwards Building.

Please refer to the UQ EDI UnConference website for the full program: https://life.uq.edu.au/edi-unconference

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