Feminine Alchemy:  Journey Through The Elemental Womb Medicine Wheel (Fire)

Feminine Alchemy: Journey Through The Elemental Womb Medicine Wheel (Fire)

Delve into a sacred journey of feminine alchemy, diving deep into the mysteries of the womb to embody your true feminine essence

Date and time

Friday, October 4 · 6 - 9pm AWST


Yogaveda Wellness Centre

3/1 Emplacement Crescent Hamilton Hill, WA 6163 Australia

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About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

Are you ready to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery, healing and feminine empowerment, guided by the wisdom of your womb?

Welcome to Feminine Alchemy: A Journey through the Womb Medicine Wheel, a transformative program that invites you to unlock the sacred mysteries of your womb space and connect to the true innate feminine power within.

What is the Womb Medicine Wheel?
The Womb Medicine Wheel is an ancient system of wisdom that honours the cyclical nature of feminine energy and the interconnectedness of all life. It consists of eight gateways, each representing a different aspect of the womb space and the feminine psyche.

Through the workshops, you will explore each of these gateways, where you have the opportunity to cultivate a deeper connection to your womb space, unlock blocked emotions and trauma, awaken pleasure pathways and embrace your divine feminine essence.

Programme Structure*:
Each month, on the new moon, we will delve into a new gateway of the Womb Medicine Wheel, with a focus on embodying the energies and wisdom associated with that gateway. The in-person workshops, held monthly, will provide a sacred space for exploration, ancient ritual, somatic practices, breathwork, womb yoga, shamanic journeying, dance and sisterhood. Each workshop offering different practices, aligned to support and work with the energies of the different parts of the womb.

Additionally, there will be an online support system that will offer guided meditations, journal prompts, and community connection to support your journey between workshops.

Through the journey into the womb medicine wheel you can expect to:

  • Cultivate a deep connection to your womb
  • Release blocked emotions and trauma
  • Unlock pleasure pathways
  • Embrace and importantly embody your divine feminine essence
  • Reclaim your sexuality and sovereignty
  • Support your reproductive health
  • Connect to your ancestral wisdom
  • Cultivate nurturing practices & creativity

    We arrive at Gateway 5, the Right Ovary and Fire element:

    In this gateway, we will ignite the fire of passion and vitality within. We'll retrieve gifts of courage, drive, and creativity, while confronting the shadows of judgement, seduction, competition or feeling small. We will connect with the sensutal primal Shakti Kundalini energy and move through any blocks of sexual shame and repression.

    Throughout the month following the workshop, you will receive additional support via online to be held in your exploration, embodiment and integration.

    Join us on this sacred journey and awaken the power of your womb space.

"Mariee facilitated an authentic and emotionally sensitive experience in a really unobtrusive way"

"Mariee's expertise and passion for this work shines through in every little detail." [Francesca.L]

"Mariee is an absolute womb weaver. I have never had womb work like this before . I felt held, honoured and reminded of my sacred connection with the divine. Mariee has powerful capacity to do this work."

About Your Facilitator:
Mariee is a dedicated practitioner of feminine wisdom and womb healing. She is a certified Womb Awakening Practitioner, Womb Hara Massage Therapist, Yoga & Meditation Practitioner, Reiki Teacher and Women's Circle Facilitator. She loves to help women deepen their connection to their wombs, feminine essence and innate inner knowing.
Mariee is originally from the UK, living in Western Australia with her husband and children.

Feminine Alchemy is inspired by the Womb Awakening teachings. Mariee is honoured to hold the lineage of Womb Awakening from her teacher Natalie Zukerman and The Institute of Feminine Arts, and the work of her teachers; authors Seren & Azra Bertrand of the books Womb Awakening and Magdalene Mysteries.

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