Find Your Spark

Find Your Spark

Come join us at Find Your Spark, where we will ignite your unique imprint for work & life that makes you come alive #engagement #energy

By Mark Truelson

Date and time

Sat, 6 Jul 2024 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM AEST


Brighton Baths Health Club

251 Esplanade Brighton, VIC 3186 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds


6:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Brighton Baths Health Club Experience (optional)

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Find Your Spark Workshop Arrivals

About this event

  • Event lasts 7 hours 30 minutes

    Find Your Spark

    Post pandemic, one thing has become clear: people want more than just a paycheck. They want to be excited and inspired and have a sense of purpose. Finding your SPARK is the ultimate day for those who want more out of work and life.

    The day starts with ​your Sparketype™, the essential nature of work that fills you with meaning and lets you feel fully-expressed, alive with​ ​purpose and absorbed in flow ("sparked"). Your Sparketype serves as one of the single biggest clues in your quest to figure out what to do with what the poet, Mary Oliver, called your "one wild and precious life." ​

    We will navigate via SPARKED conversations & frameworks to build an ACTION plan that will leave you with a deep awareness of self and a desire to take the next step.

    In the words of Bruce Springsteen” “you can’t start a fire without a SPARK”.

    Benefits of a SPARKED day:

    1. Helps you understand your unique imprint for work & life that makes you come alive (Primary, Shadow, Anti Sparketype)

    2. Provides you an inspiring path forward (Sparketype™ Assessment, Sparketype™ Premium Profile, Sparked Super Skills, Sparked Canvas, Sparked Triangle). An engaging roadmap for you, team or organisation.
    3. Helps you better understand how to align each of your team member’s efforts with work that holds the greatest opportunity to come alive and in turn, stay energised, motivated, engaged, and onboard.
    4. Helps you have safe, constructive, joyful and connected “Sparked” conversations.
    5. Reinvigorates the possibility of work with excitement, purpose and possibility.

    SPARKED Experience (goodies you receive)

    · Brighton Baths Health Club: (baths, cold water immersion, steam room, cardio / weights) – From 6.00am to 9.00am (NOT compulsory)

    · Coffee & Tea on arrival (9.00am for 9.30 start)

    · Sparketype™ Assessment (Organiser to provide link for 10min assessment to be completed prior to the event, report collated & provided upon completion by Spark Endedavors )

    · Sparketype™ Premium Profile (60+ pages delivered prior to event by Spark Endeavors). Organiser will provide code once you have completed the assessment.

    · Morning Spark (Coffee, Tea, Muffins, Pastries)

    · Get Sparked Workbook (Reclamation, Overview, SPARKED Slides & Frameworks, Models, Ideas) - You will understand who YOU are and where YOU are going.

    · Sumptuous Lunch

    · Energy Givers & Suckers

    · Afternoon Wake Up Call (Coffee, Tea, Fruit)

    · Little Book of SPARKS (a collation of all the IDEAS we have generated on this day and all days).

    · Celebratory SPARKLE (Beer, Wine, Sparkling)

    · And plenty of Ongoing SPARK (conversations, ideas, canvas, storyboard)

    *If you have not completed Sparketype™ Assessment 2 days prior to event nor received Sparketype™ Premium Profile prior to Find Your Spark, please alert Organiser. Also bring a digital or hard copy of the Sparketype Premium Profile to the Event.

    What to Bring:

    Your Lovely Selves (yay!!!), Health Club Gear (not compulsory), Walking Shoes (not compulsory)

    #engagement #energy #excitement #culture #creativity #passion #purpose #possibility #potential

    Sparketype® Copyright 2023 Spark Endeavours, Inc.

    Frequently asked questions

    Do I have to join in the Brighton Health Club Experience (from 6.00am to 9.00am)?

    Only if you want to feel the exhilaration prior to the event starting at 9.30. Some brave souls will take a cold water dive, an ice water submerge, a weights session and / or cardio blast from 6.00am to 9.00am. Definitely not compulsory!

    What will I get 'tangible' from the day (ie not just warm and fuzzies)

    You will get an awareness of WHO you are (Sparketype Awareness Tool) completed prior to the event, A deeper understanding of the impact that has on making work and life come alive for you. Some seriously SPARKED conversations that will ignite an action plan that will ignite a ROCKSTAR!!

    What if I have food allergies?

    Please speak to the Organiser prior to the event!

    Will there be karaoke?

    Never say never. But unlikely.

    What if I just want the 'warm and fuzzies'?

    There will be plenty of those lol....

    What is parking like?

    There is plenty of 'paid' parking available. And 'free' parking if you come early. Just don't take the risk as parking inspectors are vigilant!!

    How do I get my Sparketype Assessment?

    The Organiser will provide a link to once you have signed up

    How long have I got to do the 10 min Sparketype Assessment?

    The aim is to do at least 2 days prior to the event so that you receive the Sparketype Premium Profile within enough days to absorb prior to the event.

    How do I receive the Sparketype Premium Profile?

    Once you have completed the Sparketype Assessment alert the Organiser who will then provide you a code so you can access the Sparketype Premium Profile.

    What should I bring to the event?

    Everything will be provided (except your Sparketype Assessment Results or Sparketype Premium Profile). Please bring both of these either in digital format (ie computer, i-Pad etc) or in hard copy. Bring Health Club attire / walking shoes if inspired (but not compulsory)

    Organised by

    2 for 1 deal
    $245 – $490