Free Event: Four Steps to Creative Freedom
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Free Event: Four Steps to Creative Freedom

Unlock your creative potential at our online event "Four steps to creative freedom" and learn strategies to rediscover the joy in creating

Date and time

Mon, 14 Oct 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT




Sustain your creative flow

Creative flow is that state that all creatives long for. It's that space where everything around you disappears and you are totally absorbed in your work. Sustaining this, takes effort. You'll learn ...

Embrace experimentation

Experimentation can feel risky when creating, but it is one of the most important aspects of creativity. During this event you will learn more about why experimentation is so important and you'll ge...

Embed time management habits

Time management can seem counterintuitive to creativity. Creatives often wait until their muse, or the right time comes, to do their writing, art or other creative pursuit. Unfortunately, this means ...

Overcome mental blocks

Mental blocks are one of the things that most get in the way for creatives. They often see the whole project as too big, or that they don't have the skills, or that someone else is better than them. ...

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Are you a creative battling imposter syndrome or stuck in procrastination?

Unlock your creative potential in this FREE 1-hour Masterclass where you'll learn four essential steps to reclaim your creative freedom.

You’ll pick up tools you can use to get the clarity and confidence you need to start creating successfully again.

Don't miss this opportunity to reignite your passion and take the first step toward your creative breakthrough.

Who's this for?


Authors, emerging writers and people who wish they were writers.


Painters, illustrators, digital artists, textile artists, mixed media artists and people who wish they were artists.

Hobby creatives

Crafters, sometimes creatives, and anyone who wishes they spent more time creating.

What you'll learn

During the one-hour online event, you'll learn some theory and practical steps to allow you to immerse yourself in your creative pursuits.

Sustain your creative flow

Creative flow is that state that all creatives long for. It's that space where everything around you disappears and you are totally absorbed in your work. Sustaining this, takes effort. You'll learn some techniques that help you to sustain this and ways to tap into it whenever you want.

Embrace experimentation

Experimentation can feel risky when creating, but it is one of the most important aspects of creativity.

During this event you will learn more about why experimentation is so important and you'll get some strategies that you can embrace straight away.

Embed time management habits

Time management can seem counterintuitive to creativity. Creatives often wait until their muse, or the right time comes, to do their writing, art or other creative pursuit. Unfortunately, this means that creativity often comes last leading to disappointment. During this event, you'll learn some ways to embed your creativity time into your daily life.

Overcome mental blocks

Mental blocks are one of the things that most get in the way for creatives. They often see the whole project as too big, or that they don't have the skills, or that someone else is better than them. By learning how to overcome these mental blocks, you will find a joyful way back into your creativity and learn that it is in the act of creating that you overcome the blocks.

About Meg Dunley

Meg is a creativity coach, writer, editor and amateur artist. She facilitates writing retreats and workshop. Meg has worked with creatives for over ten years and knows what it takes to make time for creativity and how to go into it with a joyful and playful heart.

Frequently asked questions

Why is this event free?

This event is free because I use a 'freemium' marketing method, which means that I provide great value by offering free expert advice and then people may decide to join my premium coaching services to achieve their goals faster.

I'm not a professional creative, is this still for me?

This is for anyone who would like to more time for creativity. This includes people who would like to see what could happen if they did carve out time for their creativity. It is also for anyone that would like to build some creativity into their daily lives for the joyful element it may bring

Organised by

Meg Dunley is a coach, facilitator, writer and editor. She coaches creatives, sole traders and small businesses; facilitates writing workshops and virtual and in-person retreats; and provides writing momentum and accountability.