Free Smart Device Support & Form Filling Service
To ensure you get the most out of your appointment please
- Provide details of the assistance required when making the booking.
- Confirm your attendance 24 hours prior to your appointment by calling Rockdale Library
- Arrive on time for your appointment.
- See staff at the Info Zone Service Desk when you arrive at the library.
- Call Rockdale Library on 9562 1821 if you are running late or are unable to attend.
Repeated nonattendance of appointments may result in refusal of future bookings.
If you are unwell, please cancel your booking and reschedule a new appointment.
If unexpected circumstances occur, we will make every effort to keep you informed of any change through your email and your contact phone number.
Bayside 市政府和华人服务社联合提供 手机/平板应用协助与填表服务
- 在预订时提供您所需协助的详细信息。
- 在预约前 24 小时致电 Rockdale 图书馆确认您的出席情况。
- 按时到达您的预约地点。
- 到达图书馆后,请与信息区服务台的工作人员联系。
- 如果您迟到或无法出席,请拨打 9562 1821 联系 Rockdale 图书馆。