Full Moon Sacred Women's Circle in July

Full Moon Sacred Women's Circle in July

Join us in Sisterhood for our Monthly Full moon Women's Circle where you are Valued, Heard & Celebrated just as you are.

By Valerie

Date and time

Saturday, July 20 · 1 - 3pm AEST



107 Canterbury Road Middle Park, VIC 3206 Australia

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

    Have you been longing to find your tribe of women where you are celebrated for being your authentic self, where you can connect with other like minded women?

    Join Us beautiful Sister on a journey of self discovery where we will be celebrating the Full Moon.

    Long ago, the women of the village gathered to look after each other’s children, tell stories, seek guidance, and rest. It was a way of life... And, then it was lost.

    Today, we live in our separate bubbles, isolated from one another and disconnected from that sense of tribe. We desperately crave human contact, and yet have forgotten how to create it.

    We find ourselves scrolling on social media, wanting to feel connected, and then finding ourselves even more disconnected.

    Until … we find circle...

    Because so many women have forgotten the lost art of circling. We have created a powerful circle experience designed to teach you exactly how to build connection via the circle experience. We take you step by step through the process of leaning in, sharing, listening, reflecting, and going deeper.... as a women this is your birthright!

    Within a safe, sacred and confidential container where the facilitator knows exactly how to hold sacred space, you can start to share your experiences, be heard and understood which has great healing power. If you are ready to discover the transformative power of circle, then we invite you to join us as we dive deep with one another.

    Because when women gather....magic happens!

    This Women's Circle will include:
    <3 Sage Smudging Cleansing
    <3 Light Breathwork
    <3 Light Meditation
    <3 Celebrating Full Moon
    <3 Sharing Circle & Journalling
    <3 Light Oracle Card Readings

    A Women's Circle is a safe place for you to be seen and heard no matter how you are feeling. This circle is about embracing & celebrating all women regardless of age, shape, size, race, single, married, young mums, mums with teens, furry mums, women going through menopause....all women are welcome!

    After experiencing this circle journey, you will feel more empowered to transform your circumstances into opportunities for growth and step into your power to live your desired lifestyle.

    If you have been looking for a place that provides safety to process, create, love, dance, laugh, cry or just be....Where your authentic self is always celebrated....and you can open up and share your thoughts and feelings, and experiences.

    The venue has been hand picked by me after long searching for the perfect venue to hire a space for me to host women's circle. This beautiful space that has been created and designed for comfort and privacy with a very meditative ambient vibe, perfect for our Women's Circle where we won't be disturbed by anyone or cross booked with another group session, this provides a space where women can feel safe and at ease to be themselves in a very nurturing environment.

    I really hope you can make arrangements to be there.

    Everyone is welcome to stay back and chat and get to know each other.

    Herbal leaf tea & chocolate :) provided.

    Bring a journal & pen.

    Frequently asked questions

    What will I need to bring?

    A Journal & pen.

    What else can I bring with me?

    (Optional) your own preferred Yoga Mat. Bolster. Water bottle. A pair of socks or slipper to wear in Yoga Studio.

    Organized by

    Valerie, the Cofounder and facilitator of Sacred Women's is a Women's Empowerment Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Energy Healer, Breath Work Coach and holds a Dip in Community Services. An advocate against family violence & a passionate advocate for all women.