Introduction to Regenerative Coffee Farming

Introducción a la Agricultura Regenerativa para el Cultivo de Café | Introdução à Agricultura Regenerativa para o Cultivo de Café

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Wednesday, October 30 · 3 - 5pm PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


28 Oct | English
29 de Oct | Español
30 de Out | Português

7:00 AM - 7:02 AM

Welcome to "Introduction to Regenerative Coffee Farming" | English

Lee Safar - Founder, Map It Forward

Lee Safar, Founder of Map It Forward will open this event with a few words about this three-phase project

7:03 AM - 9:00 AM

Main Presentation: "Introduction to Regenerative Coffee Farming" | English

Angela Barrero (Colombian Coffee and Cacao Producer)

Murilo Bettarello (Agronomical Engineer,Coffee Producer)

Felipe Croce (Brazilian specialty coffee producer)

Workshop Outline: 1. Understanding Climate Impact on Coffee Farming: Explore how climate change has altered the conditions for growing coffee and the emerging pressing challenges. 2. Identifying Cur...

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Q&A: Introduction to Regenerative Coffee Farming | English

In this session, you are welcome to ask questions related to the presentation. If you have further questions, or feedback, or would like to engage further, please connect in the Whatsapp group you wi...

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Por favor, desplázate hacia abajo para leer en español

Por favor, role para baixo para ler em português

Introduction to Regenerative Coffee Farming

Join us for this essential and timely workshop, “Introduction to Regenerative Coffee Farming,” designed primarily to help coffee farmers navigate the pressing challenges of climate change and the evolving market demands.

This event will take place in three languages, English (October 28th), Spanish (October 29th), and Portuguese (October 30th).

This presentation will also be invaluable for coffee professionals across the supply chain seeking to gain insight into the necessary role that regenerative coffee farming can play in the survival of the coffee industry.

This comprehensive presentation will explore an introduction to how regenerative agricultural practices can revitalize soil health, promote sustainability, and ensure long-term farm resilience on coffee farms.

Whether you're facing decreased yields, soil degradation, or water scarcity, this workshop offers practical solutions and actionable insights to help you transform your coffee farming practices.

Discover how to enhance your farm's productivity while contributing to a more sustainable future for coffee production.


ENGLISH WORKSHOP | Mon Oct 28, 7 am PT

SPANISH WORKSHOP | Tue Oct 29, 6 pm CT




  • Angela Barrero (Colombian Coffee and Cacao Producer)
  • Murilo Bettarello (Agronomical Engineer, Advisor, Regenerative Farmer)
  • Felipe Croce (Brazilian Specialty Coffee Producer)


  • Angela Barrero (Colombian Coffee and Cacao Producer)
  • Carlos Ordóñez (Agronomist)


  • Felipe Croce (Brazilian Specialty Coffee Producer)
  • Murilo Bettarello (Agronomical Engineer, Advisor, Regenerative Farmer)
  • João Araujo (Agronomist)

Duration: 2 hour Online presentation + Q&A


  • $10 for coffee producers
  • $150 For everyone else (this includes 1 ticket for you + 14 pay-it-forward tickets for producers who aren’t able to afford to attend)

General Event Outline:

1. Understanding Climate Impact on Coffee Farming: Explore how climate change has altered the conditions for growing coffee and the emerging pressing challenges.

2. Identifying Current Problems in Coffee Production: Gain insights into the major issues affecting coffee farms globally, including decreased yields, soil degradation, and water scarcity.

3. Solutions for Sustainable Coffee Farming: Discover practical solutions to these challenges through regenerative agriculture practices, biochar usage, and a comprehensive toolkit of bio inputs.

4. Key Elements for a Thriving Coffee Farm: Learn about the critical components of successful regenerative coffee farming, including:

  • Soil Health Improvement
  • Promoting Biodiversity
  • Utilizing Natural Fertilizers and Inputs
  • Implementing Water Conservation Strategies
  • Avoiding Synthetic Chemicals
  • Promoting Carbon Sequestration
  • Engaging with the Local Ecosystem

5. Commercialization and Marketing Strategies: Understand how to create a consumer movement and market your regenerative coffee effectively.

6. Practical Next Steps for Farmers: Identify the key questions you need to ask to understand your farm's current reality, conduct soil tests, and set up a roadmap for future success.

7. Interactive Q&A Session: Engage with experts and peers, get your questions answered, and discuss strategies tailored to your specific needs.

What do I need to attend?: This workshop will take place online so to attend and be able to ask questions, you will need a ticket to the event, access to the internet, and a device (smartphone. tablet, or computer) to view the workshop.

What will I receive with this workshop?:

Registration for this workshop will give you:

  1. Access to the workshop live online as well as access to re-watch the workshop 1 week after the end of the workshop.
  2. Access to the WhatsApp group (in the language you have registered), allowing you to connect with the trainers and other attendees, share information, and ask questions. You will receive access to this once you have finalized registration.

Once you have confirmed your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with more information about the event and details on how to access the workshop and the WhatsApp group.

Need More Information?

This event is brought to you by Map It Forward and The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward.

For answers to most of your questions, please check the FAQ's section or email Map It Forward at


Regístrate para el evento en español aquí:

Introducción a la Agricultura Regenerativa del Café
Únete a este taller esencial y oportuno, "Introducción a la Agricultura Regenerativa del Café", diseñado principalmente para ayudar a los caficultores a enfrentar los desafíos urgentes del cambio climático y las demandas cambiantes del mercado.

Este evento se llevará a cabo en tres idiomas: inglés (28 de octubre), español (29 de octubre) y portugués (30 de octubre).

Esta presentación también será invaluable para los profesionales del café en toda la cadena de suministro que buscan obtener una visión sobre el papel necesario que la agricultura regenerativa del café puede desempeñar en la supervivencia de la industria del café.

Esta presentación integral explorará una introducción sobre cómo las prácticas agrícolas regenerativas pueden revitalizar la salud del suelo, promover la sostenibilidad y garantizar la resiliencia a largo plazo en las fincas de café.

Ya sea que enfrentes disminución de rendimientos, degradación del suelo o escasez de agua, este taller ofrece soluciones prácticas y conocimientos aplicables para ayudar a transformar tus prácticas de cultivo de café.

Descubre cómo mejorar la productividad de tu finca mientras contribuyes a un futuro más sostenible para la producción de café.

TALLER EN INGLÉS | Lun 28 de octubre, 7 am PT
TALLER EN ESPAÑOL | Mar 29 de octubre, 6 pm CT
TALLER EN PORTUGUÉS | Mié 30 de octubre, 7 pm BRT


  • Angela Barrero (Productora de Café y Cacao Colombiano)
  • Murilo Bettarello (Ingeniero Agrónomo, Asesor, Agricultor Regenerativo)
  • Felipe Croce (Productor de Café de Especialidad Brasileño)


  • Angela Barrero (Productora de Café y Cacao Colombiano)
  • Carlos Ordóñez (Agrónomo)


  • Felipe Croce (Productor de Café de Especialidad Brasileño)
  • Murilo Bettarello (Ingeniero Agrónomo, Asesor, Agricultor Regenerativo)
  • João Araujo (Ingeniero Agrónomo)

Duración: Presentación en línea de 2 horas + Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas

$10 para caficultores
$150 para todos los demás (esto incluye 1 boleto para ti + 14 boletos de "pago adelantado" para productores que no pueden pagar para asistir)

Esquema General del Evento:

1. Comprender el Impacto del Clima en la Caficultura: Explora cómo el cambio climático ha alterado las condiciones para el cultivo de café y los desafíos urgentes que han surgido.

2. Identificación de los Problemas Actuales en la Producción de Café: Obtén información sobre los principales problemas que enfrentan las fincas cafetaleras a nivel mundial, incluidos los rendimientos decrecientes, la degradación del suelo y la escasez de agua.

3. Soluciones para una Caficultura Sostenible: Descubre soluciones prácticas a estos desafíos mediante prácticas de agricultura regenerativa, uso de biochar y un conjunto integral de bioinsumos.

4. Elementos Clave para una Finca de Café Próspera: Aprende sobre los componentes críticos para una agricultura regenerativa exitosa en las fincas de café, incluyendo:

  • Mejora de la Salud del Suelo
  • Promoción de la Biodiversidad
  • Uso de Fertilizantes Naturales y Bioinsumos
  • Implementación de Estrategias de Conservación del Agua
  • Evitar Productos Químicos Sintéticos
  • Promoción de la Captura de Carbono
  • Involucrarse con el Ecosistema Local

5. Estrategias de Comercialización y Marketing: Comprende cómo crear un movimiento de consumidores y comercializar eficazmente tu café regenerativo.

6. Pasos Prácticos para los Productores: Identifica las preguntas clave que debes hacer para comprender la realidad actual de tu finca, realizar análisis de suelo y establecer una hoja de ruta para el éxito futuro.

7. Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas Interactiva: Interactúa con expertos y colegas, haz tus preguntas y discute estrategias personalizadas para tus necesidades específicas.

¿Qué necesito para asistir?: Este taller se llevará a cabo en línea, por lo que para asistir y hacer preguntas, necesitarás un boleto para el evento, acceso a internet y un dispositivo (teléfono inteligente, tableta o computadora) para ver el taller.

¿Qué recibiré con este taller?:
La inscripción para este taller te dará:
1. Acceso al taller en línea en vivo, así como acceso para volver a ver el taller una semana después de que termine.
2. Acceso al grupo de WhatsApp (en el idioma en el que te inscribiste), que te permitirá conectarte con los entrenadores y otros asistentes, compartir información y hacer preguntas. Recibirás acceso una vez que hayas completado el registro.

Una vez que hayas confirmado tu registro, recibirás un correo electrónico de confirmación con más información sobre el evento y detalles sobre cómo acceder al taller y al grupo de WhatsApp.

¿Necesitas más información?
Este evento es organizado por Map It Forward y The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast por Map It Forward.

Para obtener respuestas a la mayoría de tus preguntas, revisa la sección de preguntas frecuentes (FAQ) o envía un correo electrónico a Map It Forward a


Registre-se para o evento em português aqui:

Introdução à Agricultura Regenerativa do Café
Participe deste workshop essencial e oportuno, "Introdução à Agricultura Regenerativa do Café", projetado principalmente para ajudar os produtores de café a enfrentar os desafios urgentes das mudanças climáticas e as crescentes demandas do mercado.

Este evento será realizado em três idiomas: inglês (28 de outubro), espanhol (29 de outubro) e português (30 de outubro).

Esta apresentação também será inestimável para os profissionais do café em toda a cadeia de suprimentos, que buscam obter uma visão sobre o papel necessário que a agricultura regenerativa do café pode desempenhar na sobrevivência da indústria cafeeira.

Esta apresentação abrangente abordará como as práticas agrícolas regenerativas podem revitalizar a saúde do solo, promover a sustentabilidade e garantir a resiliência a longo prazo nas fazendas de café.

Se você está enfrentando diminuição de rendimentos, degradação do solo ou escassez de água, este workshop oferece soluções práticas e percepções aplicáveis para ajudá-lo a transformar suas práticas de cultivo de café.

Descubra como aumentar a produtividade da sua fazenda enquanto contribui para um futuro mais sustentável na produção de café.

WORKSHOP EM INGLÊS | Seg 28 de outubro, 7 am PT
WORKSHOP EM ESPANHOL | Ter 29 de outubro, 6 pm CT
WORKSHOP EM PORTUGUÊS | Qua 30 de outubro, 7 pm BRT


  • Angela Barrero (Produtora Colombiana de Café e Cacau)
  • Murilo Bettarello (Engenheiro Agrônomo, Consultor, Agricultor Regenerativo)
  • Felipe Croce (Produtor Brasileiro de Café Especial)


  • Angela Barrero (Produtora Colombiana de Café e Cacau)
  • Carlos Ordóñez (Agrônomo)


  • Felipe Croce (Produtor Brasileiro de Café Especial)
  • Murilo Bettarello (Engenheiro Agrônomo, Consultor, Agricultor Regenerativo)
  • João Araujo (Engenheiro Agrônomo)

Duração: Apresentação online de 2 horas + Sessão de Perguntas e Respostas

$10 para produtores de café
$150 para todos os demais (inclui 1 ingresso para você + 14 ingressos "pague para frente" para produtores que não podem pagar para participar)

Esquema Geral do Evento:

1. Compreendendo o Impacto Climático na Cafeicultura: Explore como as mudanças climáticas alteraram as condições para o cultivo de café e os desafios urgentes que surgiram.

2. Identificando os Problemas Atuais na Produção de Café: Obtenha insights sobre os principais problemas enfrentados pelas fazendas de café globalmente, incluindo a diminuição de rendimentos, degradação do solo e escassez de água.

3. Soluções para uma Cafeicultura Sustentável: Descubra soluções práticas para esses desafios por meio de práticas de agricultura regenerativa, uso de biochar e um conjunto abrangente de bioinsumos.

4.Elementos Chave para uma Fazenda de Café Próspera: Aprenda sobre os componentes críticos para o sucesso da agricultura regenerativa em fazendas de café, incluindo:

  • Melhoria da Saúde do Solo
  • Promoção da Biodiversidade
  • Utilização de Fertilizantes Naturais e Insumos
  • Implementação de Estratégias de Conservação de Água
  • Evitar Produtos Químicos Sintéticos
  • Promoção da Sequestro de Carbono
  • Engajamento com o Ecossistema Local

5. Estratégias de Comercialização e Marketing: Entenda como criar um movimento de consumidores e comercializar eficazmente o seu café regenerativo.

6. Próximos Passos Práticos para os Produtores: Identifique as perguntas-chave que você precisa fazer para entender a realidade atual de sua fazenda, realizar testes de solo e definir um plano de ação para o sucesso futuro.

7. Sessão Interativa de Perguntas e Respostas: Interaja com especialistas e colegas, faça suas perguntas e discuta estratégias adaptadas às suas necessidades específicas.

O que eu preciso para participar?: Este workshop acontecerá online, portanto, para participar e poder fazer perguntas, você precisará de um ingresso para o evento, acesso à internet e um dispositivo (smartphone, tablet ou computador) para assistir ao workshop.

O que receberei com este workshop?:
A inscrição neste workshop lhe dará:
1. Acesso ao workshop online ao vivo, bem como acesso para assistir novamente ao workshop uma semana após o término.
2. Acesso ao grupo de WhatsApp (no idioma em que você se inscreveu), permitindo que você se conecte com os instrutores e outros participantes, compartilhe informações e faça perguntas. Você receberá acesso a este grupo uma vez que tenha finalizado sua inscrição.

Assim que você confirmar sua inscrição, receberá um e-mail de confirmação com mais informações sobre o evento e detalhes sobre como acessar o workshop e o grupo de WhatsApp.

Precisa de mais informações?
Este evento é organizado pela Map It Forward e pelo The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast da Map It Forward.

Para respostas às suas perguntas, consulte a seção de perguntas frequentes (FAQ) ou envie um e-mail para Map It Forward no


Map It Forward is a global platform designed to inspire coffee professionals and businesses across the entire coffee supply chain. Founded by industry expert Lee Safar, the organization focuses on providing education, workshops, strategic business advisory services, and mentorship to help coffee professionals navigate the complexities of the coffee industry.

Conversations on the acclaimed podcast, The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, delve into the business, sustainability, and innovation challenges in the coffee world. With a mission to "conspire to each other's success" and a vision of fostering responsible business practices and pricing models, Map It Forward is committed to creating a more sustainable and resilient coffee industry.

Map It Forward operates globally, supporting professionals in the USA, Australia, UAE, Latin America, and beyond.

Find out more about Map It Forward at and follow us on Instagram at

Frequently asked questions

1. What is regenerative coffee farming?

Regenerative coffee farming restores soil health, promotes biodiversity, and builds resilient ecosystems. This workshop shows how practices like biochar, natural fertilizers, and water conservation can address soil degradation and sustainability.

2. Who is this workshop created for?

Coffee Producers will learn practical solutions to enhance farm productivity and sustainability. Coffee roasters, buyers, & traders will gain insights into the regenerative practices that influence the quality of the coffee they source & sell. Coffee drinkers will learn the real value of coffee.

3. What can I expect to learn from this workshop?

Participants will learn about the impact of climate change on coffee farming, major global challenges like decreased yields, soil degradation, and water scarcity, as well as practical solutions such as regenerative agriculture, biochar usage, and natural inputs. Please see full listing for details.

4. What is the cost to attend the workshops, and are there different pricing options?

The cost to attend each of the workshops is $10 for coffee producers and $150 for other attendees, including coffee roasters, green coffee traders, buyers, and café owners.

5. Why do I have to pay more if I’m not a coffee producer?

A “Pay it forward” system is built into the $150 ticket price paid by those who are not coffee producers. This ticket price includes 1 ticket for the purchaser and 14 tickets paid forward to producers who cannot afford to purchase tickets. This event is not sponsored by outside businesses.

6. Do I need to buy a different ticket for this event in one of the other languages?

Yes, separate tickets will need to be purchased if you’d like to attend different workshops in the 3 different languages this is being offered - English, Spanish, and Portuguese. All ticketing options are available at the same place.

7. How do I purchase tickets in bulk for the producers I work with?

If you are an organization, association, corporation, private individual, or other business looking to purchase tickets either for producers you work with or as a “pay it forward” gesture please contact us at or on social media

8. How do I get access to the live event?

Viewing live: On the day of the live event, you will be sent an email shortly before the event starts with a link to access the live workshop. Viewing Post Event: 1 week after the event, you will receive a link from Map It Forward linking you to a platform to register for the on-demand version

9. How do I get access to the WhatsApp group?

A separate WhatsApp group has been created to support attendees of each of the workshops - one in English, one in Spanish, and one in Portuguese. A link will be sent to you to join the group once you have registered. People who join without having registered will be deleted from the group.

10. How is this workshop structured?

This online workshop is 2 hours long and will be structured as follows: - Short Introduction - Two Hour presentation - Fifteen-minute question-and-answer session Each segment will focus on practical, actionable knowledge that participants can apply to their farms or businesses.

11. What coffee professionals should attend this other than coffee producers?

The workshop is suitable for beginners and experienced coffee professionals. It will provide an introduction to regenerative farming practices while also diving into more advanced topics like biochar production and commercialization strategies, ensuring that all participants will find this valuable.

12. Will the workshop be offered in different languages?

Yes, the workshop will be conducted separately in English, Spanish, and Portuguese to accommodate participants from different regions. This ensures that language is not a barrier for coffee professionals who want to participate and gain valuable knowledge about regenerative coffee farming.

13. How do I purchase tickets to this workshop in other languages?

To find the “Introduction to Regenerative Coffee Farming” workshop in other languages visit here:

14. Can I ask specific questions about my farm or business during the workshop?

Absolutely. There will be a dedicated Q&A session at the end of the workshop where you can ask specific questions related to your farm, business, or situation. You can also submit questions when you register for your ticket.

15. Will I receive any materials after the workshop?

Yes, all attendees will receive access to a recording of the workshop after it has been completed. You are also welcome to continue exchanging information in the WhatsApp group.

16. Can I still watch the presentation if I cannot attend the live broadcast?

Yes, a recording of the live presentation will be made available to view on demand 1 week after the event has concluded if you have purchased a ticket for the event you would like to attend.

17. Who are the presenters for this series of workshops?

Presenters: - Angela Barrero (Colombian Coffee and Cacao Producer) (Sp+En) - Murilo Bettarello (Agronomical Engineer, Advisor, Regenerative Farmer) (Port+En) - Felipe Croce (Brazilian Specialty Coffee Producer) (Port+En) - Carlos Ordoñez (Agronomist) (Sp) - João Araujo (Agronomist) (Port)

18. Who is the organizer of this event?

This live online event is produced by Map It Forward. You can find out more about Map It Forward by listening to the Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward on podcast apps and YouTube. Head to for more information.

19. How do I get in contact to ask further questions?

If you have any questions, you can contact us at or via our social media platforms on Instagram.

20. Can I donate to support this event?

You are welcome to donate to support the success of this event. Please email

21. What's the best way to support this event?

To support this event, please share it with your industry colleagues and coffee enthusiast friends on social media and WhatsApp. We have posts on social media you can share that will explain the event.

22. What does success look like at the end of this event?

For Map It Forward & our trainers: 3000 tickets sold + actionable value from the workshops for attendees + over-delivering on attendee expectations. For attendees: Affordable and trustworthy access to functional information that introduces regenerative agriculture

Organized by

This event is proudly presented by Map It Forward, an established resource for the coffee value chain globally.

To connect with our team, please email or find us on social media at

Additional free resources from Map It Forward are available on our podcast The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward here:

$10 – $150