Investor Attention in Financial Markets Masterclass by Prof. Zhi Da
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Investor Attention in Financial Markets Masterclass by Prof. Zhi Da

2024 Semester 2 FIRN Masterclass. October 22-25.

Date and time

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 9:00 AM - Fri, 25 Oct 2024 1:00 PM AEDT


University of Technology Sydney

15 Broadway Ultimo, NSW 2007 Australia

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 days 4 hours

Market Microstructure and Decentralised Finance

Professor Zhi Da

Held at UTS

22 Oct 2024: 1:00pm-4:30pm

23 Oct 2024: 9am – 1pm (class); 3pm-5pm (office hours)

24 Oct 2024: 9am – 1pm (class)

25 Oct 2024: 9am – 1pm (class); 3pm-5pm (office hours)

Final Assessment - TBA


Market participants need to pay attention so their actions lead to efficient outcomes, and as a result, asset prices react efficiently to information. In reality, attention is a scarce cognitive resource. Therefore, limited attention can have major impact in the financial markets.

This course gives a brief introduction to the emerging literature on investor attention. Specifically, we will go over theoretical models of limited attention, discuss empirical measures of investor attention, and review empirical evidence of how attention affects both asset pricing and corporate finance outcomes.


This course is open to PhD students and academics at FIRN member institutions (see for a list of FIRN members).

PhD students are required to have the permission of this PhD supervisor(s) to enroll is this class and must complete all assessments.

Academics who are post-PhD can 'sit in' and do not have to complete the assessments.

If you are from a non-member institution then email to ask about membership options.

Organised by

FIRN is the premier network of finance researchers and PhD students across Australia and recently New Zealand.  Researchers from all of the major schools, departments and universities who offer research programs across the various topic areas of finance are members of FIRN.

The purpose of FIRN is to provide a strong, cohesive and fiscially efficient approach toward supporting research and advancements in the Australian finance academic community.  FIRN’s program of events and initiatives aims to develop better communication and networking across the sector, better research outcomes, better educated PhD students, better skilled academics, stronger international relationships and a stronger future.