A transformative experience where we explore personal growth, intuition, new perspectives and connection with self & others

Date and time

Thursday, September 26 · 6:30 - 8pm AEST


Soul Space Brisbane

23 Parker Street Newmarket, QLD 4051 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event


The aim of Journey, is that you have a place to connect, contribute and collaborate; to feel free in spirit and grounded in body. Your wellbeing, happiness and trust in self is the most important thing – when we have this, everything else flows from there.


We begin ceremony with smudging around your body with Sage and Palo Santo.


Many people are not used to expressing themselves openly and freely in a safe, nurturing and non-judgmental space. So, they hide, suppress and keep things to themselves, until such time of overwhelm, resentment or illness takes over. Emotions that are suppressed and repressed can lead to physiological dis-eases, conditions and dis-orders so it’s important they are expressed in a healthy manner.

The sharing circle holds the grace and dignity for each person to be witnessed with warmth and compassion as they empty out whatever is weighing heavy on the mind, heart or body. By bringing that which is an internal hinderance, block or burden out of the physical body and into the open by giving it a voice, can promote wellbeing, clarity and radiant energy.

It’s a beautiful and therapeutic experience to feel heard, acknowledged and seen when expressing in a safe and supportive space. It is completely up to you whether you'd like to share out loud or be witnessed with reverent silence.


Journey provides a variety of exercises and tools to develop and discover your capacities when you tap in, connect with and trust intuition and awareness.

• Find hidden objects using your inner guidance

• Hear the internal messages coming through when quiet & calm

• Identify the energies & physical attachments you carry

• Enjoy a range of practical exercises to ensure informative, empowering and interactive learning experiences.


Lay down, relax and receive the wonderful world that guided meditation can offer the mind, body & spirit. Be taken on a special journey that’ll connect you with your authentic self; feeling lighter, quieter, peaceful and calm, ensuring that your vibration and frequency elevates and expands for you to receive MORE of You!



Thursday 26th September

6:30pm – 8pm


Soul Space Brisbane, 23 Parker Street, Newmarket


*Your lovely selves

*Cushion & blanket

*Water Bottle

*An item with your energy infused in it e.g., Keys, Crystal, Jewellery, Wallet

*Wear comfortable clothing and be well hydrated.

A yoga mat and bolster will be set up ready and waiting for you.


$40 p/person (incl booking fee)

Spaces held for 20 people per event, with confirmation of booking essential via Eventbrite.


Thursday 24th October 630pm-8pm

Thursday 28th November 630pm-830pm (Special Guest Facilitator)

Thursday 19th December 630pm-8pm

With love,

Ingrid – The Joybomb



Ingrid is a qualified Master Coach, Mindset Therapist, Intuitive Channel, Energy Healer and Mentor with over 13 years of practice within Australia and internationally. Ingrid works with people suffering from general mental health issues, trauma, emotional distress, relationship issues, lack of self-confidence and self-esteem, anxiety, depression, stress, abuse, fears & heartbreak.

The qualifications Ingrid is trained in all aim to calm the nervous system and benefits anyone who has suffered from trauma, abuse and PTSD. Research shows a vast improvement of social engagement, learning development, memory and focus.

Ingrid’s calming energy and empathy allows adults and children alike to feel welcome, safe, respected and held so that they can talk openly, express themselves and heal.


Master Practitioner and Coach of NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy

Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner

Bachelor of Theatre



For the first time in years the anxiety monster is not a feature in my life! I’ve done therapy and I’ve been a therapist, but what Ingrid provides is next level. I cannot recommend her services and skill set enough. Her energy and passion are infectious. And the process was easy and now I feel light. Thank you for helping me, find me again.

- Emma-Jane

I feel light! I feel peachy! And I am so solid in my own beliefs. Since our sessions I’ve barely drunk anything and yet really happy and calm. I’ve been enjoying my own company much more! It’s been amazing to see so many things fall into place, and be in such a good state of mind, choosing better for myself! Even hearing different responses or reactions from people no longer affects me! I acknowledge we’re all on our own journey and I now see more value in solving things for myself. I feel so grateful that after 10yrs of soul searching, I finally feel so great right now! I want to make a contribution and I can do it by being a good example of happiness, fulfillment, humility and acceptance. Thank you for this freedom, knowing I am enough as I am, and I only need my own approval. This freedom allows me to do what I want to do.

- Annalisa

I highly recommend her! Ingrid White is the real deal, she has so much wisdom, passion and energy to share with everyone that is looking for something bigger, more magical and better in their life.

– Ludo


There's a lot of noise out there; fear, confusion, stress, comparison, judgement and rejection which is why Journey has been created to offer the opportunity to reclaim your wisdom, honour your knowing and become confident to stand with what is true for you. Each month the Journey community will be transforming their pain into power and exploring more ways to feel safe in their body and trust in what feels right to their individual.

Journey is focused on serving, focused on love, focused on authenticity and focused on raising the collective consciousness. When we shift the fog, the lack, the blocks and the old stories, we are opened up to receiving compassion, forgiveness, love, joy, health and wealth.

Organized by
