It's all about Kids, Mud and Fun. This obstacle course is exciting, safe and encouraging for all kids 5 - 14 yr. Come alone or with friends

Date and time

Sat, 5 Oct 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM AWST


1633 Mandurah Rd

1633 Mandurah Road Baldivis, WA 6171 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

These awesome XLR8 Kids HOLIDAY events are simply the best, they are always fun, active, exciting and encouraging for all kids from 5 to 14 years!!! Mud, water, 30+ obstacles, a personalised certificate and a wristband for every participating child are all part of the amazing XLR8 Obstacle Course.

Kids of all athletic abilities are encouraged to join in as there is no better way to connect with their own inner warrior and with their sporty friends and fellow friendly racers whilst they run, walk, crawl, climb and jump their way through a fun-filled obstacle course that helps them discover just how XLR8 strong they really are. You can choose between the 1km, 2km or 3km run.

XLR8 doesn't put any restrictions on what track you can do based on age, it is your choice - it is mostly your child's ability, resilience and will-power that determines which track they will complete.

XLR8 Kids events provide a safe outdoor environment where having fun and getting muddy is mandatory! It inspires the kids to have a go and trust their own abilities!

New is a reduced rate for group bookings for those liking to join in for their birthday party, a team event or a friend's outing.

You can register 1 child or multiple kids from 5 years to 14 years old at the same time or make a group booking at a discounted rate.

Note: PLEASE REGISTER THE PARTICIPATING CHILD/REN (don't register yourself)!!! That way the ticket is in your child's name and we can prepare the certificates correctly. We hope you can stay till all children have passed the finish line so your child can receive his or her own personalised certificate & wristband.

During the event, sit back (bring a camping chair/ blanket), relax, encourage the kids from the side, have a cuppa and enjoy whilst our fantastic team is on the course with your kids or be a part of the XLR8 team and volunteer!

For any questions please see FAQ underneath or contact us via


With sufficient number of staff and with ALL parents/carers consent we will make every attempt to release our photographer to take pictures during the event. However, this does depend on the number of volunteers available and is not guaranteed. If you like to volunteer please do let us know by sending us an email to: It is required that you are a parent of a participating child or otherwise are in the possession of a current Working With Children permit.

NOTE: Volunteers are there to help ALL children. We are NOT able to offer the opportunity to be with your own child on the obstacle course. However, if that is what you like to do, then you are given that opportunity by participating with your child/ren in one of our awesome Family Events.

The photo's will be made available for FREE on our facebook page:


1. What time should I arrive ? Arrive between 30 min. - 10 min. prior to the event, to provide enough time for the registration of each child. We will start at the exact starting time as per your booking. If you arrive late, our team will already be on the course and are unable to register your chil/ren. In that case, please stand at the finish line with your child/ren and wait for a staff member to come over to assist you. Children without their participation wristband may be send off the course.

2. What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? Public transport is not an option. We are located in the rural part of Baldivis and with the landscape and grassed areas we have sufficient parking spots. However, we do recommend car pooling where possible as we have limited parking.

3. Can I join in or do it with my child? No. This is a kids event for participants between 5 - 14 years. Our awesome team will coach and assist the children on the course. If you like to do the course with your child please book a family ticket for the Family Event or organize a private session. There are volunteering opportunities to help ALL the children if that is something you like to do.

4. My child (may) need additional support ? It is the parents/ guardians responsibility to let the XLR8 team know prior to booking, if there is any reason (medical, physical, emotional, other) why a child(ren) need additional attention or support. We will discuss the details for the XLR8 team to assess if the additional support can be provided by the XLR8 Team or other options (for example a Support Worker). We will do everything in our ability to do so by for example additional trained staff.

5. Am I allowed to drop off my child and go? No, we strongly recommend to stay to support and encourage your child from the spectators area. Bring a picnic mat or camping chairs and enjoy!! If for some reason you are unable to stay you must come and tell the officials of XLR8 and provide them with your name, your child/ren name/s and your contact number in case we need to get hold of you.

6. If the child is finished can we go immediately? We reward every child with a personalized certificate so we hope you can stay behind till all the racers have come over the finish line and untill we present each child with their certificate.

7. What you cannot bring to the event? Alcohol, pets, smokes, any flamable items.

8. What should I wear? You MUST wear closed outdoor shoes which will give you sufficient support (no wellies, football boots with studs, no crocs). Its is recommended that you wear long pants and long sleeves (no jeans or 100% cotton pants) that the child can climb in (does not restrict movement), no jewellery and long hair tight back (low). Bring plenty of water, a towel and clean clothes for after.

9. Will the event be cancelled due to weather conditions? No, the wetter the better, the kids love the mud!! During the hotter summer months the kids will cool down with the sprinklers on, we recommend to drink extra water.

10. Is my registration/ticket transferrable? No.

11. Can I update my registration information? No, please contact us via email: if you are unsure. If you don't, we may not have the correct certificate for the child or we may refuse the right for entry.

12. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? No, if need be we can use your email confirmation.

13. What is the refund policy? Its simple; we don't have one. There is a lot of preparation going into the organization of these events and we are confident that you will understand that we are unable to offer a refund.

14. The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay? No, unless you are the parent/ guardian and you have completed the booking using your own details. In that case, please email us with your name and the name of the participating child and we will change it for you. We must receive your name change one day prior to the event or we correct the name via wipeout.

15. My child (may) need additional support ? It is the parents/ guardians responsibility to let the XLR8 team know prior to booking, if there is any reason (medical, physical, emotional, other) why a child(ren) need additional attention or support. We will discuss the details for the XLR8 team to assess if the additional support can be provided by the XLR8 Team or other options (for example a Support Worker). We will do everything in our ability to do so.

16. Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? We will not ask for ID - we trust you will contact us if your child is outside of the age limit of 5 - 14 years old to enter the event.

17. What happens if I leave(some of) my belongings behind? We will keep it for 4 week. You can contact us and come to collect it at an agreed date and time. Due to cost and time we will not mail or drop it off to you.


By purchasing a ticket/s, you are agreeing to the stipulations and requirements of XLR8 assault course events (no need to fill in a separate waiver form again. This form can be found on our website:

- You agree to participate in the XLR8 assault course event for the agreed-upon non-refundable fee.

- You understand that entering an XLR8 assault course event is a strenuous physical and hazardous activity.

- You assume all risks associated with competing in the XLR8 assault course event, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, negligent or wanton acts of other participants, completing all obstacles, defects or conditions of premises, the effects of weather, including high heat and/or humidity, all such risks being known and appreciated by you. Specific risks vary from one activity to another and the risks range from minor injuries to major injuries, such as catastrophic injuries including death.

- You agree to inform the officials of XLR8 assault course in writing prior to attending or participating in the event when you have any medical, emotional or physical condition that may cause a risk to yourself or to others, including but not limited to: musculo-skeletal problems, circulatory-ashma problems, neurological problems, skin problems, respiratory problems, immune problems, disgestive problems, or had a recent operation, pregnancy, glandular fever, diabetes, psychological problems, substance abuse or feeling unwell.

- You agree to not consume alcohol prior to the XLR8 assault course event or ingest any medicines or substances that will inhibit your mental or physical ability to safely and effectively participate in the event.

- You agree to abide by any decision of the race official relative to your ability to safely complete the obstacle course event.

- You understand and will abide by the rule that guest, visitor, spectators, wheeled baby conveyances or other wheeled means of conveyance or pets are not permitted in the obstacle course area unless you have the permission of XLR8 officials.

- You consent to emergency medical care and transportation in order to obtain treatment in the event of injury to you as medical professionals may deem appropriate. The Waiver extends to any liability arising out of or in any way connected with the medical treatment and transportation provided in the event of an emergency.

- You grant permission to XLR8 assault course, its affiliates, staff, volunteers, sponsors, and assigns to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, statements or any other record of this obstacle course event for any purpose, including but not limited to promoting, advertising and marketing purposes. Any and all photographs, motion pictures, recordings or other records of the obstacle course event are the sole property of XLR8 assault course.

- The official race directors reserve the right in any event of emergency or local or national disaster to cancel the race, and in any event of cancellation or change there is no refund of entry fees guaranteed.

- ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY: Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times, including obeying all moral, ethical and legal laws. This includes, respect for all people, equipment and facilities; and cooperative, positive participation. XLR8 assault course may dismiss, without refund, anyone whose behavior endangers safety or negatively endangers safety or negatively affects a race, person, a facility or property of any kind or type. You also agree to indemnify XLR8 assault course, its affiliates and assigns, from any and all third party claims caused in whole or in part by your actions.

- You understand that you must be at least 18 years old or have a Parent/Guardian agreeing to the content of this waiver and consent to its terms.

- You understand that XLR8 assault course is not a medically supervised program and that XLR8 assault course was developed for healthy people with no medical conditions or risks, either physical or psychological. In addition to the terms above, you represent that you are in good physical condition and have no medical reason or impairment that might prevent you from participating in XLR8 assault course event. As such, you acknowledge that XLR8 assault course did not give you medical advice before XLR8 assault course, and cannot give you any after the program, related to your physical condition and ability to participate. If you have any health or medical concerns now or after XLR8 assault course event, you will discuss them with your doctor.

If you have an existing medical condition, before you can begin, you will present your XLR8 assault course instructor with a Medical Release Form, signed and dated by your personal physician.

In consideration of your participation in the obstacle course event offered by XLR8 assault course, you understand and voluntarily accept this risk and agree that XLR8 Fitness (WA) Pty Ltd and XLR8 assault course, their officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents and independent contractors will not be liable for any injury, including, without limitation, personal, or mental injury, economic loss or any damage to you, your spouse, guests, child/ unborn child or relatives resulting from the negligence of XLR8 assault course or anyone on XLR8 assault course' behalf or anyone participating in the obstacle course event whether related to exercise or not. This agreement is effective through the purchase of your tickets via this side/ link. By purchasing your ticket, you acknowledge and agree that you have read the foregoing and know of the nature of the activities at XLR8 assault course event and you agree to all the terms of this Agreement.

By purchasing a ticket/s, You, parent/guardian of the participant, hereby gives approval to the child's participation in the obstacle course event. You are solely responsible for determining if your minor child is physically fit and/or skilled for the obstacle course event activities contemplated by this Agreement. You assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation in the obstacle course event, and you hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless XLR8 Fitness (WA) Pty Ltd and XLR8 assault course, its officers, heirs, assigns, administrators, personal representatives and executors, firms, corporations, businesses, and past and present employees, owners, agents, shareholders, employees, volunteers, sponsors, participants for any claim arising or of any injury to your child and from any and all claims, causes of actions, obligations, lawsuits, charges, complaints, contracts, covenants, damages, costs, expenses, responsibilities, or whatsoever kind, nature or description, whether direct or indirect, in law or in equity, in contract or in tort, or otherwise, whether known or unknown, from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of or connected with your child's participation in this obstacle course event. You consent to the liability waiver, and know and understand its contents.

Organised by

From $12.90