Kundalini Activation & Bodywork | Busselton

A form of energy transmission and bodywork that facilitates somatic healing, lifeforce energy activation, and spiritual awakening.

Date and time

Sun, 17 Nov 2024 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM AWST


Essential Yoga Busselton

42 Albert Street Busselton, WA 6285 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

What is it?

A form of energy transmission and bodywork that:

  • leads to deeper embodiment, spiritual maturity, and expanded consciousness
  • transforms "trauma" in the body
  • balances and harmonises the body at the physical / mental / emotional level
  • transforms mental / emotional / sexual pain and distortion
  • helps to rewire and regulate the nervous system
  • ignites the spiritual awakening journey
  • supports the process of Kundalini rising and associated symptoms

It is best experienced to be understood.

During the session, one can experience anything from energetic pulsations and surges, emotional release, catharsis, spontaneous movement, vivid visuals, and bliss states that connect us to a higher consciousness.

In a time when we have become so reliant on external technologies, remedies, and medicines, this work reminds us and offers us accelerated access to our "internal technology" and innate energy to heal, transform, and awaken into higher consciousness. Deep healing is a native capacity.

The Journey

Everyone's experience and journey with Kundalini Activation & Bodywork is different, but most attendees report a powerful experience even in their first session, which deepens and evolves over time.

As the activation is an energetic and embodiment practice it assists in relieving us of our cognitive attachments, allowing us to drop into a much deeper space of universal intelligence and consciousness where phenomena can occur (more info on common experiences / effects below).

With repeated exposure over time, it's common to experience:

  • Less unhealthy cravings as more positive ones as the body undergoes natural detoxification
  • Connection with "Higher Self" and higher dimensional energies
  • Heightened intuition and expanded perception
  • Deep healing of personal and ancestral trauma / patterns
  • Deepening of empathy and emotional intelligence
  • Greater flow of creative, erotic, and sexual energy
  • Heightened sensitivity to energy
  • Greater balance and harmony in life, and less resistance to life's ebb and flow
  • Increased and amplified experiences of bliss states, love, and joy
  • More synchronicities in your life and attunement to natural rhythms
  • Greater access to information in the unified field and third eye visions

The Session

All you need to do is to lie on a yoga mat whilst music is played and the facilitator will work in your energy field to clear dense energy, activate points, and bring the chakras to positive balance. It sounds simple. What happens on the mat is a huge range of phenomena...


No previous experience is required.

Come with an open mind and intention to surrender to the process.

Ideally, leave 1.5hr + gap after eating and the session & drink plenty of water.

Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes.

Please note, these events are for individuals aged 18yrs and over.


General Admission - $60

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact me for a concession rate: nikimichalek@live.com

*If you are pregnant or currently have (or have experienced) psychiatric conditions like psychosis or bipolar this may not be appropriate for you - contact nikimichalek@live.com if you have questions in relation to this.


Sun, 10:30am start.

Ends ~12pm (~1.5hrs).


Essential Yoga

42 Albert Street,

Busselton, WA 6285

What Can & Does Happen During a Session:

ENERGETIC: Feeling heat / cold, vibrations, tingles, waves and / or other sensations of energy in the body.

👌 MOVEMENT: Spontaneous movement of the body that clears dense energy / trauma, and opens, aligns, and balances the energy system.

👁️ VISUALS: Visual experiences like seeing colours, patterns, light, lucid dreams, and even astral journeys.

❤️ EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION & RELEASE: Spontaneous laughter, screaming, crying, and other release of stuck / suppressed emotion, along with feelings of love, joy, lightness etc.

😍 BLISS STATES: Profound sense of oneness, connection with source / Higher Self, and pure blissful joy.

OTHER: Re-wiring of the brain and central nervous system, deep insights / messages.

Participant Shares

"That was my first experience, like so many others in the room, of Kundalini Activation and I had no idea what to expect... I am still on a high of what happened to me last night... That was the most intense, beautiful, healing transformation I've had on this amazing journey yet and I can't wait for more 💖"

Nelly P

"After feeling so stuck for years and years, the flicker of hope in opening up positive opportunities is really exciting and relieving to feel. I'm quite blown away by my experience. I was not at all expecting involuntary movements for myself. It's fascinating!"

Ashley L

"Hi Niki ♥️ thank you again for tonight’s ceremony. I haven’t felt this good in ages. The moment I opened my eyes, it was like my world from from 360pixels to 4K vision. There was just so much clarity, presence & focus. It was like the moment right before you hit hallucination when you’re on 🍄I can’t wait to experience more of this / thank you for being such an incredible facilitator. Everytime you were guiding me my body literally vibrated in a different way. I’m still so fucking blown away 🥹🥹🥹"

Nicole C

"The profound physical and emotional releases that occur during these sessions are truly incredible. Each session brings a unique experience, but I have found that, for me, the intensity tends to increase with each subsequent session. The benefits are truly transformative, and I believe it's an experience worth exploring."

Sharka H

"I still am fascinated by the movements of my arms that were beyond my control. The energy is such a mysterious and powerful thing."

Emma E

""A profound experience!! Best night sleep I've had for months..Thankyou Niki 🙏"

Fee G

"Throughout the session I experienced physically internal vibrational sensations I attribute with an awakened energetic body especially triggered when Niki moved throughout the space, intuitively sounding and physically holding/aiding energy movement... The session ended with me literally buzzing and I am so thankful to have tuned into this frequency."

Melly P

"I have been attending Kundalini Activation sessions with Niki for the past year and it has become a regular part of my mental health toolkit to help guide me through grief, unhealthy thought patterns and an expansion of me and my consciousness... Niki is an incredible facilitator, her ability to hold a sacred space and assist in the inner healing of so many is admirable. I highly recommend these sessions."

Erin D

"Still Bouncing off the walls with Good Vibes . Seriously I have Changed at work , play and home . Very Focused . THANKS HEAPS FOR YOUR GUIDANCE !!! 🙏✨😎"

Adam R

"I have done a number of (Kundalini Activation) sessions with Niki online and in person and attended some of her events and they have all been amazing! She brings a really great energy to the sessions as facilitator and I always leave feeling renewed and on a high."

Sarah J

"I can honestly say that its an amazing experience. Nikki is a great facilitator and you will definitely feel in safe environment. Originally signed up as I was curious what Kundalini is and how the whole process feels like. Its about as easy as letting go and enjoying the process. Nikki is highly skilled and she will take you to the place you need to be. Recommend!"

Zdenka S

"It has really assisted me in my shamanic work. The energy that Niki works with and holds space for has been powerful, expansive and full of light. I highly recommend Niki as a facilitator and her sessions. "

Giuliano U

Your Facilitator

Niki Michalek has studied under various leading teachers of Kundalini Activation and Bodywork (offering group and private Kundalini Activation & Bodywork sessions in Perth Australia) since 2019. Niki is also a Vedic Meditation Teacher, Tantra & Yoga facilitator, Akashic Records reader, and creator of the Mystic Being App where she offers programs on all things embodied living, spiritual inquiry, and personal evolution. She also teaches Business & Marketing Foundations for conscious and spiritual solopreneurs through her online program Original Creator.

Web - lightbodybeing.com

Facebook - @LightbodyBeing

Instagram - @lightbody.being

Organised by

Niki Michalek has studied under various leading teachers of Kundalini Activation and Bodywork (offering group and private Kundalini Activation & Bodywork sessions in Perth Australia) since 2019. Niki is also a Vedic Meditation Teacher, Perth Tantra & Yoga facilitator, and creator of the Mystic Being App where she offers programs on all things Self Mastery, Spiritual Inquiry, and Tantric Living. She also teaches Business & Marketing Foundations for conscious and spiritual solopreneurs through her online program Original Creator.

Web - lightbodybeing.com

Facebook - @LightbodyBeing

Instagram - @lightbody.being
