Ladies Make Friends - Afternoon Tea (40s & 50s)

Ladies Make Friends - Afternoon Tea (40s & 50s)

Come join us for a lovely afternoon of tea, treats, and making new friends with awesome ladies in their 40s & 50s

By Your Social Planner

Date and time

Sun, 14 Jul 2024 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM AEST


Belle Époque

267 Grey Street South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

    Ladies Make Friends - Afternoon Tea (40s & 50s)

    Come join us for a delightful afternoon of tea, treats, and making new friends at Belle Époque! This event is perfect for ladies in their 40s & 50s looking to connect with others in a relaxed and welcoming setting. Whether you're new to the area or just want to expand your social circle, this is the perfect opportunity to meet like-minded women and enjoy some quality time together. Don't miss out on this chance to sip tea, indulge in delicious snacks, and forge new friendships!

    What to expect:

    • A relaxed hosted event
    • A ice-breaker activity to get you mixing and mingling
    • Your ticket will include 1x tea or coffee (of your choice) and a little snack will be provided.

    Your Social Planner is the equivalent of a dating service, but for friends! We understand the difficulty in finding 'the right tribe'. We also understand the ever-growing need to have different friends at different life stages. We will help you at whatever life stage you are at, to find your tribe. Attend our events to find out more..

    Frequently asked questions

    I'm nervous. How many ladies will be there?

    This will be an intimate event to allow you the opportunity to form potential deeper connections, so it could be as few as three people, but definitely no more than six.

    Can I bring a friend?

    Unfortunately as the event is quite intimate, there won't be any opportunity to bring along a friend. Keep an eye out for future events though.

    Organised by

    Your Social Planner is your one-stop shop for all your social needs. Your Social Planner is like having your own personal social assistant creating and planning events just for you!

    Find out more in person!