LATIN AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL 2024: Valentina or the Serenity (Mexico)
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LATIN AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL 2024: Valentina or the Serenity (Mexico)

-Movie in Spanish with English subtitles- Latin American Film Festival in Sydney at Instituto Cervantes from November to December 2024

Date and time

Fri, 8 Nov 2024 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM AEDT


3/299-305 Sussex St

Level 3 / 299-305 Sussex Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

-Movie in Spanish with English subtitles. Free admission at our premises-

Young Valentina refuses to believe her father, who drowned in a river, is truly gone. Living in an Indigenous Mixtec community in Oaxaca, Valentina draws inspiration from her favorite superhero, Kandi. Convinced her father will return, she hears his voice in Mixtec after falling into the river. Her belief affects her grieving family and disrupts her school life. With her friend Pedro, she learns Mixtec to understand her father's messages. This poignant tale explores loss and the healing power of love.

Come to watch it!

Be on time: The movie will start at 4:30 pm so please arrive before.


-Película en español con subtítulos en inglés. Entrada gratuita-

La joven Valentina se niega a creer que su padre, que se ahogó en un río, realmente ha desaparecido. Valentina, que vive en una comunidad indígena mixteca en Oaxaca, se inspira en su superhéroe favorito, Kandi. Convencida de que su padre regresará, escucha su voz en mixteco después de caer al río. Su creencia afecta a su afligida familia e interrumpe su vida escolar. Con su amigo Pedro aprende mixteco para entender los mensajes de su padre. Esta conmovedora historia explora la pérdida y el poder curativo del amor.

¡Ven a verlo!

La película empezará a las 4:30 pm en punto por lo que le rogamos llegue antes de esa hora.

Organised by

The Instituto Cervantes is a non-profit organisation founded by the Government of Spain in 1991. Its mission is to promote Spanish language teaching as well as that of Spain’s co-official languages, in addition to fostering knowledge of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries throughout the world.


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