Managing Virtual Teams Training

Managing Virtual Teams Training

Designed to provide teams in virtual workplaces the tools needed to maintain cohesion and authority.

By Paramount Training & Development Brisbane
110 events hosted 📈

Date and time

Tuesday, August 12 · 8am - 12pm AEST



Brisbane Brisbane, QLD Australia

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

Course Overview

To start, we’ll introduce ourselves to each other, and then we’ll discuss the content and aims of the workshop so that participants can plan their learning goals for the day.

Topics covered in this course

Understanding the Virtual Workplace

The purpose of this course is to teach you the terminology to talk about your workplace and to help you understand the opportunities and challenges it presents.

Establishing Virtual Workplace Programs

This session will focus on the importance of planning properly in order to create successful teams for a virtual workplace. You will learn about some of the elements for the effective implemention of remote work as well as the various ways to properly manage performance. This information will help you achieve results in this changing digital space.

Technology Tools

After learning about virtual workplace programmes, members of the group will have a chance to try some of the tools that support a virtual workplace programme.

Building Strong Virtual Teams

During this session, participants will see how Tuckman and Jensons seminal five stages of team development transition to team reality, and will consider the selection of virtual teams and how to keep them successful.

Virtual Leadership Strategies

Welcome to our session on how to lead remote teams! Join us as our panelists share our ideas and approaches.

Leading Virtual Team Meetings

Learn how to run a great virtual team meeting in this session. Discover best practices around scheduling, facilitating and maximizing your meetings. Practice leading a meeting on your own!

Working with Cross-Cultural Teams

Learn how to manage cultural differences and create collaboration among your virtual teams. Acquire the knowledge and tools for cross-cultural relationships.

Workshop Wrap-Up

All participants at the conclusion of the workshop will be in a position to engage with their facilitator to clarify issues and develop an action plan for their success.

Organized by

110 events hosted

Training in Brisbane

We are a leader in Training within Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth. Our consultants offer training Australia Wide even catering for regional areas with Skype assisted or webinar training.

Paramount have been providing training for over 10 years offering some of the most innovative training with techniques that they have created and introduced. If you are lucky enough to have been to one of our workshops you will know just how motivating and interactive our training sessions can be. We use humour and different learning environments to keep interest and help participants retain the information.

With a range of different courses available from Time Management, Customer Service, Dealing with the public, Telephone Skills, Complaint handling and Communication Skills. We have over 200 different courses you can choose from for your business.

Learn more about our customisation and Training by calling our editing team. We can create a training session to suit your industry, local area, team and timeframe.

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