Manningham Migrant Peace Project Community Design Feedback Workshop

Manningham Migrant Peace Project Community Design Feedback Workshop

Your chance to provide input into the creation of the Manningham Migrant Peace Project.

Date and time

Tue, 24 Sep 2024 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM AEST


Manningham Art Studios, Level 2, MC2 Manningham City Square

687 Doncaster Road Doncaster, VIC 3108 Australia

About this event

Facilitated by lead artist Julian Clavijo this relaxed interactive workshop is your chance to provide input into the creation of the Manningham Migrant Peace Project.
This workshop is for people who live or work in Manningham who identify with having a Migrant experience.

When: 24 September 2024

Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Where: TBC, will email participants prior to event to confirm

Cost: Free, Bookings via Eventbrite are essential.

Catering Provided

Migrant Peace Project Community Art Brief (

About the Artist:

Julian Clavijo is a nationally and internationally renowned Award Winning Artist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. In 2008, he graduated with a Bachelor of Advertising from the Universidad International de las Americas in Costa Rica. In 2011, he completed a Masters of Arts (Art in Public Space) at RMIT University in Melbourne.

A painter and sculptor since a very early age, Julian has demonstrated an enormous capacity to professionally establish his practice and style in Australia, South America, USA, Europe and the Middle East. After graduating in 2011, Julian started exploring the possibility of translating his photorealistic oil painting technique on to mural painting at any scale. By mixing spray painting skills, commonly use in the world of street art, and the traditional brush work techniques almost resembling classical fresco murals, Julian can achieve striking hyper-realistic results by painting murals at monumental scales in public spaces. This has earned him the respect and demand of the urban art community in Australia and around the globe.

In November 2018 Julian was awarded the 'Best Global Artist Award' in the Category of Street Art in Dubai, accolade given by the Global Art Agency, the Wall Street Journal and the UAE Government.

Attendee Support

At Manningham Council we want to ensure everyone feels supported and included. Manningham Council is proudly diverse. We pride ourselves on creating an environment that is socially, creatively, and physically safe for everyone, no matter what your cultural background, sexuality, gender expression or disability.

As an attendee, you have the right to:

• Be treated fairly

• Be treated with respect

• Feel safe

• Be free from harassment, discrimination and physical or verbal abuse

• Enjoy a comfortable, inclusive, and welcoming environment

As an attendee, you have a responsibility to:

• Treat each other fairly and equally

• Respect other people’s differences

• Act in an appropriate manner

By adhering to the above values, we can ensure everyone has a positive experience.

Extra support/Medical Conditions

Please notify staff if you require extra support, have a medical condition and any relevant allergies that we should be aware of.


Parking is available at Manningham Council MC2 building. There are two ways you can access the building – through the Doncaster library entrance on ground level or via the elevators from the MC2 underground car park.

Please note: Carpark entry gate automatically closes at 8pm but has a sensor for exiting as you leave at the conclusion of your class.

Staying COVID Safe

All staff and visitors are required to comply with current COVID Safe practices and legislative requirements. If you are unwell, please stay home. We suggest you get tested for COVID-19. We request that visitors who have recently tested positive notify us at or by phone 03 9840 9382.

Use of information

Your email will be added to our Arts Manningham mailing list. If you are not interested in receiving emails, please just hit Unsubscribe.

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to discuss these values in more detail, please contact us on 03 9840 9382 or email at

Website:Manningham Art Studios

Organised by

Manningham Art Studios offer a range of short arts courses, for beginners or more experienced artists. From ceramics, drawing, painting, structured classes to open studios and critique, join us in the studios to explore a variety of contemporary art practices in fun and engaging ways.

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