Modern Slavery Risks and Uniforms & PPE  Procurement

Modern Slavery Risks and Uniforms & PPE Procurement

Modern Slavery Risks and Uniforms Procurement

Date and time

Thu, 11 Aug 2022 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT



About this event

From raw materials to manufacturing, labour exploitation and modern slavery are rife in global garment supply chains. Workers in the industry are vulnerable to forced labour, wage theft, hazardous conditions, illegal overtime, and more. With garment supply chains often operating in locations where laws protecting human rights do not exist, are weak, or are not enforced by local authorities, companies’ own responsibilities to eradicate modern slavery from their supply chains become ever more important.

Legislation such as Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 (MSA), places obligations on companies in all sectors to report on how they are addressing the risks of modern slavery in their direct operations and supply chains. As a purchaser of uniforms, your school, university, hospital, aged-care, community or other service should be taking steps towards ethical sourcing of uniforms and be working in collaboration with suppliers. Join us for this webinar and learn more from the following experts:

  • Alexander Walrut, Head of Office from Sedex Australia will share the risks of modern slavery in the textile, clothing and footwear and explain how Sedex can be used as an ethical souring tool.
  • Tim Bryant Head of Department from Lowes Manhatten Pty Ltd will share their approach and 2022 Modern Slavery Statement
  • Bonpinda Uniforms will also share their ethical journey as a uniform supplier
  • other guests TBC

This webinar is for key decision-makers within Catholic entities who are directly involved in uniform procurement. This may include school P&C representatives.


Please contact with any queries.

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