Topics covered in this course
What is Negotiation?
In the first session, everyone will introduce themselves. Then we start a discussion about what everybody's looking to get out of the course. Everybody on the course will get what they want!
Participants will learn all about negotiation, the different forms of it, and go through each step that goes on in it, starting from bargaining to countering negotiations, with an added bonus of tips on how to present your view in any given situation.
The Successful Negotiator
Take your negotiating skills to the next level. Learn what makes dealmakers different – and the ways of communicating needed to succeed.
Preparing for Negotiation
In this seminar participants will learn about strategies for negotiating. They will learn how to build a plan of action by identifying fears and triggers doing research, both on the interests of the the other party, as well as knowing the participants’ WAP (Walk Away Point), BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement), WATNA (Worst Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) or ZOPA (Zone Of Possible Agreements).
The Nuts and Bolts
In this programme we will assist participants in drafting documents and in selecting venues for negotiations to help them negotiate any business meetings that they encounter.
Making the Right Impression
In this session attendees will explore tactics for creating connections with your best self-presentation. From conversations to clothing, from our first impressions to giving a solid handshake – in this event we’ll help you define yourself during negotiations.
Getting Off to a Good Start
This session is designed to help attendees better understand the foundations of collaboration and communication. We will be covering topics such as boundaries and grounding.
Exchanging Information
The session will focus on how to pass on information and how to deal with situations where negotiations don’t get off to a good start.
The Bargaining Stage
Participants will be able to master six negotiation techniques. Opportunity to practice the techniques through role plays.
Reaching Mutual Gain
Then participants will learn about four impediments to reaching agreement and four techniques to convert them into advantages.
Moving Beyond No
Second, participants will be shown four hurdles that get in the way of negotiations and how to turn those hurdles into advantages.
Dealing with Negative Emotions
Here we consider tactics for dealing with behaviours that may develop during negotiations.
Moving from Bargaining to Closing
At the end of the class, the participants will have an opportunity to express their questions and plan how to move forward to success.
Solution Types
In this session, participants will explore ways to create win-win solutions, reach a sustainable agreement and come to common ground.
Workshop Wrap-Up
At the end of the course, participants are given the chance to ask questions and complete an action plan.