One Health: The interlink between health, environment, and Traditional Ways

One Health: The interlink between health, environment, and Traditional Ways

Join this full-day symposium to hear from international experts and leading voices on the topic of health, environment and traditonal ways.

Date and time

Thursday, October 24 · 9am - 3:30pm AEDT


Australian Centre on China in the World

Fellows Lane Building 188 Acton, ACT 2601 Australia

About this event

  • Event lasts 6 hours 30 minutes

The United Nations' One Health concept resonate deeply with Indigenous community's holistic ways of living, which are intricately connected to the land, its resources and knowledge systems.

This year's symposium explores the intersection of the environment, health, and traditional cultural practices, offering insight into how Indigenous Cultural Knowledges are critical in maintaining harmony between human, animal and environmental systems for optimal health.

This year we are excited to post experts from across the globe including:

Professor Anne Poelina
Speaking topic: : ‘Waking up the Snake’ – One Health concept for human and non-human kin.

Associate Professor Jeffrey Ansloos, Ph.D. C.Psych
Speaking topic: Water Justice and suicide

Associate Professor Moana Waitoki, PhD
Speaking topic: Traditional ways and determinants of health

Associate Professor Mark Standing Eagle Baez Ph.D., LSP. LADC, CCBT, MS/MA
Speaking topic: Developing and integrating culturally responsive approaches: the Sweetgrass Method

Register for full program and speaker information.

This event is co-funded by the School of Medicine and Psychology Indigenous Health Unit.

Event supporters:

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The ANU College of Health and Medicine provides knowledge for the nation, through our commitment to both science and service to the Australian people. Our Schools comprise of the School of Medicine and Psychology, the John Curtin School of Medical Research and the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health. And together, our community champion biomedicine, population health and the human condition.