Online Bloom: Online Women's Circle with The Women's Space (EAWTC)

Online Bloom: Online Women's Circle with The Women's Space (EAWTC)

A beautiful one hour Online Women's Circle to lean into deep connection and self love.

By Elizabeth Anne Walker



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About this event

    Have you ever felt like your week is super busy, as if you're running everywhere, busy being busy and life feels like it never stops?

    Do you desire to be more connected with other women, to have real, raw and deep conversations that matter to you?

    Do you feel blocked in your expression and disconnected to who you are?

    Well, this space was created for you to slow down, to meet other awesome women like you, to begin to openly share from your heart and to experience that deep, real connection that you have been desiring.

    This is a safe and compassionate place for women of all ages and backgrounds to come together to their truth.

    We invite real, expansive and open minded conversations where your feelings can be expressed and your thoughts have a place to be vocalized without judgment.

    This is your Monthly Date with self to nourish your heart, release and to feel safe to be all of yourself.

    It is time for you to explore who you really are and learn to express your feminine self through peeling back the layers and letting others in.

    What to bring:

    Create a beautiful, quiet place where you can let go.

    Bring your favorite candle.

    Make yourself a warm drink of choice or bring beautiful water.

    Journal and pen.

    Why come to an Online Women's Circle?

    Connection, Community and Nourishment.

    Connect from anywhere in the world.

    Book it in your calendar so you carve out the time to connect.

    Why do we create spaces like this?

    The world we live in today has encouraged women to become more masculine - working hard, staying strong, avoiding feelings, controlling situations; whilst still juggling all aspects of life. This often leads to burn out with women living from the head up disconnected to body, and men feeling rejected and like they have no place to support women.

    When you feel safe enough to be seen, heard, felt and loved you are able to surrender and allow a flow between the masculine and the feminine within you. When you fully soften in a safe environment your magic is felt, you create from desire, connect to your body and see your overall well being improve. A divine feminine woman can show up in the world in a new light - improving her relationships to self, partners, family and career.

    When you fill up your cup first, everything flows with ease!

    We would love to stay connected with you on our Instagram:


    Meet your hosts:


    Hannah is passionate about harnessing your own power and taking action to create the life you desire moving forwards. She has spent 5+ years supporting and mentoring women of all ages - guiding them to embody self-trust, self-love and intrinsic confidence. She has led 8 transformational women's retreats over the last 2 years with many more to come.

    Her mission is to help women caught up in the whirlwind of life to find calm, creativity and connection within themselves. Once in this centered space, women are able to access their innate wisdom, magic and oneness with the earth.

    She is ready to cast a light on the areas of life that are ready for a different approach, to love you through each step and support you in showing up as your whole self. Her invitation to you, is to remember your magnificence as a woman of this earth.

    Shauna’s passion and purpose is guiding women back to wholeness, using processes and techniques to release their past, integrate negative emotions and clear their body of stored negative emotions and limiting beliefs.

    Clearing the way into your desired future and getting yourself out of your own way!

    Shauna is the invitation to keep choosing yourself and your desires every day, to create the life of your dreams.

    She is a mother to 3 teenagers and is dedicated to showing parents a fresh way of parenting with more love and joy so that the family thrives together.

    Shauna is passionate about women’s work, guiding women home, to love themselves and their bodies more and more every day.

    We are so excited to connect with you on the first Thursday for one hour, every month Online via Zoom.

    Love The Women's Space xo

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