Perth Stadium Transport Infrastructure & Operations and MRWA RNOC tour

Perth Stadium Transport Infrastructure & Operations and MRWA RNOC tour

Join us for a tour of the Perth Stadium rail and bus stations for a behind-the-scenes view into planning, design and ongoing operations.

Date and time

Thursday, August 15 · 9am - 1pm AWST


Perth Stadium

Perth Stadium Burswood, WA 6100 Australia


9:00 AM - 9:10 AM

Welcome (meet at Eastern concourse of Perth Stadium Train Station)

Charlotte Hayes, Exec Director, CSAC, PTA

9:10 AM - 9:40 AM

Perth Stadium station planning, design and operations

Glenn Fuller, Principal Railway Operations Planner, PTA

9:40 AM - 9:50 AM

Walk past taxi, ACROD, drop off, Stadium gates

Charlotte Hayes, Exec Director, CSAC, PTA

9:50 AM - 10:10 AM

Bus station planning, design and operations

Simon Cox, Network Development& Disruptions Manager, PTA

10:10 AM - 10:30 AM

Walk to Matagarup Bridge explaining links to ferries, walking and cycle access

Charlotte Hayes, Exec Director, CSAC, PTA

10:30 AM - 10:40 AM

Bus pickup

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM

Travel to Main Roads RNOC

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Main Roads RNOC tour

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM


12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

Bus drop off at EQ Bus Station

About this event

The PTA invites you for a walking tour of the Perth Stadium rail and bus stations for a behind-the-scenes view around the planning, design, delivery and ongoing operations of Perth’s public transport system.

The tour will last approximately 90 minutes and allows the opportunity to hear about the benefits and challenges of managing event days, encouraging significant travel behaviour change around how people in Perth access major venues.

The tour will include access to some operational areas including the holding cells beneath the station.

Tour attendees have the opportunity to visit the Main Roads Road Network Operations Centre (RNOC) a purpose- built, world-class facility designed to help manage road congestion, optimise road network safety and performance. Lunch will also be provided at the RNOC tour.

RNOC is responsible for the real time management, operation and efficiency of the Metropolitan State Road network and provision of traffic management services focussing on improving the safe movement of people and freight across WA’s road network.

The team provides world class outcomes for customers through a safe, reliable and sustainable road transport system by understanding what’s important to the community, anticipating challenges and opportunities, collaborating, investing in its people, and embracing innovation and technology to deliver improved outcomes.

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the forecasted weather conditions on the day and for up to 2 km of walking.

Frequently asked questions

What will happen if it's raining?

We will monitor the weather leading up to the tour and will be in touch if there is severe weather forecasted. The tour will continue if rain is forecasted, so please bring an umbrella and dress accordingly.

Can I attend just one part of the tour or the whole tour?

You may attend either section of the tour (Perth Stadium public transport operations or the Main Roads RNOC tour) or both sections.

I have accessibility issues, can I still attend the tour?

Please advise us of any accessibility issues when prompted via the ordering form and we will aim to accommodate your requests.

What if I can no longer attend the tour?

Please update your order details if you are no longer able to attend the tour, so we can offer your place to someone else.

I have a question about the event, who can I contact?

Questions regarding the PTA walking tour and bus connections can be directed to Andrea Down, Rail Planning Coordinator, PTA at Queries regarding the Main Roads RNOC tour can be directed to Lorena Santana Ferrieria at

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