Plastic Free July - DIY Bees Wax Wraps, Bees Wax Candles, All Purpose Spray

Plastic Free July - DIY Bees Wax Wraps, Bees Wax Candles, All Purpose Spray

Join us to learn how to make your own beeswax wraps, candles, and all-purpose spray to reduce plastic waste!

By Resource Recovery Waste Wise


Resource Recovery Centre, Berrima Road, Moss Vale NSW, Australia

177 Berrima Road Moss Vale, NSW 2577 Australia

About this event

    Welcome to **Plastic Free July - DIY Bees Wax Wraps, Bees Wax Candles, All Purpose Spray** event! Join us at the Resource Recovery Centre in Moss Vale NSW, Australia. Let's learn how to make our own eco-friendly products like beeswax wraps, candles, and all-purpose spray. Say goodbye to single-use plastics and hello to sustainable living! Bring your creativity and enthusiasm, and let's have a fun and informative day together. See you there!

    Organised by