In 1990, Ron Manners had and idea, ..."to hold a dinner to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Poseidon boom."
There were 52 acceptances to his 15 'faxed' invitations and it was an outrageous success.
We are doing 'it' again and will celebrate the 54th anniversary - Mark 11 - at "The Hannans Club" on Friday 23rd February. Will you be there?
Numbers will be limited to seventy guests - all associated to the Nickel Industry and the first to register, and pay, the $250 per person will secure a seat.
For a night of reminisences, nice food and cheerful informed discussion between industry leaders on the future direction of the 'industry', you have been selected to receive one of the limited invitations. The rest is up to you.
N.B. Surplus funds will be applied to Hannans Club improvement.