Preparing Progress Support Plans

Preparing Progress Support Plans

Learn how to use Progress Support Plans (PSPs) - a formal part of the La Trobe graduate research candidature management process.

By Research Education and Development (RED)

Date and time

Tue, 3 Sep 2024 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

    Research is rarely straightforward, and it's not unusual for graduate researchers to experience unanticipated barriers in the course of candidature. This is where the Progress Support Plan (PSP) comes in. The purpose of the PSP is to support candidates with projects deemed 'at risk' at a milestone review to return to a satisfactory standard of progress.

    This workshop provides graduate research supervisors and Progress Committee Chairs with information to help them develop effective PSPs. It will discuss the key components of the PSP, and will model exemplar PSPs for participants to critique, emulate or otherwise learn from. It will also explain how the timeframe of the PSP relates to candidature and 'at risk' assessment.

    By undertaking this workshop, participants will develop an enhanced understanding of the PSP process which they can apply to their roles as supervisors and Progress Committee Chairs.

    Who should attend?

    This workshop is for graduate research supervisors and progress committee members at La Trobe University.

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    Zoom link - Link will be provided by calendar invite

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