Course Overview
We will begin by having someone introduce themselves to the group. We will then ask about expectations for the day, and the start of this educational journey. We can also explore how this workshop might meet the participants’ goals for personal learning.
Topics covered in this course
Creating the Program
In this session you will enhance your presentation skills and gain practice with conducting a needs analysis. You will be guided in best practices for conducting research, notetaking, and preparing and editing work, so be prepared to have a good time!
Choosing Your Delivery Methods
In this session we’ll look at some options and key considerations. Let’s examine how these methods can help us as we make our decisions!
Verbal Communication Skills
Want to know more about crafting questions, effective listening, and communication? Come along and hear from speakers who will prepare you for what it takes to listen well and communicate successfully!
Non-Verbal Communication Skills
Participants will delve into the various types of verbal messages sent, how such messages are interpreted and what their impact is on the audience. Learn how behavioral messages are sent, interpreted and used in impacting real life situations!
Conquering Nervousness
To overcome nervousness and to look confident, presentation participants need to be prepared in their mind. In the lesson they will see why. Techniques to relax before public speech will be provided.
Crafting Impressive Flip Charts
Get ready to shine! This session will help participants to focus on how to leave an impact when presenting, helping them to become more organised and prepared so they can go above and beyond. Goals achieved!
Developing Captivating PowerPoint Presentations
In this session, participants will learn the tools for creating great presentations. As well as provide tips and tricks for making the presentation not just visible, but memorable. The presentation will also impart the knowledge on having a plan.
Engaging Audiences with Whiteboards
In this session, participants will understand how to use electronic whiteboards, and also will learn how to use colours to their best use to make impact.
Dynamic Immersive Audio
Handouts will be distributed just now and we’ll begin the session. You’ll learn tips and techniques which will enable you to create powerful audio-visual ;experiences. You will also learn how to design a good PowerPoint to use it as a fall-back when needed.
Conclusion of the Workshop
Throughout the day, not only will participants have the opportunity to address these questions and come up with their plans of action, but they will also be able to interact with and gain insight from leading political figures from across Europe who are invited to respond and inspire further considerations.