Shining Diamonds 11th annual + Tasmania's first and longest running

Shining Diamonds 11th annual + Tasmania's first and longest running

' Hobart's first and longest running, full Tasmanian owned and run pole dance competition' - established by Bebe Sparkle/Bec Collins

By Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio
Lots of repeat customers 📈

Date and time

Saturday, April 5 · 7 - 10:30pm AEDT


Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio

61 Molle Street Hobart, TAS 7000 Australia

Good to know


  • 3 hours, 30 minutes
  • In person

About this event

' Hobart's first and longest running, full Tasmanian owned and run pole dance competition' - established by our Queen of Diamonds Bebe Sparkle (Bec) as a progressive fun and friendly platform opportunity to encourage and motivate polers to progress their own style of pole dance plus as a stepping stone for competing nationally for those who are keen.Come support these sparkly Diamonds!

Sat 5th April
7pm doors open

Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio
61 Molle Street

TICKETS - via this link - (limited available be quick!)
V IP - first 2 rows guarantee - $30 each
G ENERAL - seated on arrival - $25A BOUT

' Hobart's first and longest running, 11th annual, full Tasmanian owned and run pole dance competition'SHINING DIAMONDS is one of Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio’s very own annual in house competitions and Tasmania's first ever , longest running pole competition created and brought to you by our Tassie born and bred pole industry leader and studio owner Bec aka Bebe Sparkle.This comp offers an amazing opportunity and motivator for our students to progress and showcase their individuality and dedication to the endless styles of pole dance offered at Diamond Class .'Shining Diamonds' has given all that have entered over the years at Diamond Class a performance platform and a stepping stone for those who have gone on to compete in the National Pole competitions and/or to progress and showcase their abilities and creativity locally.

Titles in each division plus very pretty Diamond trophies and sashes for the title winners!All finalists are winners regardless of titles however, progressing their abilities out of sight, personal growth through the process and personal pride for creating/performing their very own routine, video and professional photos, strong bonds created between finalists and instructors with supportive/encouraging camaraderie building confidence/self esteem out of sight!F inalists evolve to become an even sparkly version of themselves hungry for the next performance/comp opportunity at Diamond Class.By purchasing tickets you are supporting Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio to be able to continue to offer friendly, fun and progressive opportunities to all our amazing students as well as securing yourself a spot in the audience of an extremely entertaining , and Hobarts first and longest running pole show!

PURCHASE Online - PLEASE NOTE - All bookings online do incur a small online booking fee.
Directly from reception via Email

VENUE Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio, open to the public and of course friends and family 61 Molle Street, Hobart, Tasmania

SOFT DRINKS/ENERGY DRINKS AND WATER AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE + SNACKS - Non Alc eventC ome sparkle with us at 'Shining Diamonds' !


Organized by

Lots of repeat customers
All about our sparkly studio
View our packages and book online today for a Pole new YOU at Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio! - or call or email the studio - details below
Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio - You have found your happy place! The most fun, motivating and unique Pole and Fitness classes changing peoples lives in the Hobart and surrounding areas since 2007.
Classes for any shape/size, 12 yrs to 60+ yrs no prior strength level required. You will feel instantly at home as you walk through our sparkly doors and are greeted by our amazingly supportive staff and instructors.
Diamond Class is the only place in Tasmania that you can learn from internationally accredited qualified pole instructors offering loads of performance opportunities (not compulsory) , a studio performance troop, an awesomely sparkly community waiting for you to join it!
Find A Pole new sparkly YOU at Diamond Class Pole and Fitness Studio today! For more information please see our Website