Small Business Bus - Cann River

Small Business Bus - Cann River

RFCS Gippsland can provide confidential, independent and free financial and personal wellbeing support for you and your small business

By RFCS Gippsland

Date and time

Wed, 16 Feb 2022 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM AEDT


Opposite Cann River Hotel

2 Monaro Hwy Cann River, VIC 3890 Australia

About this event

Small Business Bus is with RFCS Gippsland, ready to support small businesses throughout Southeastern Victoria

If you are experiencing or at risk of hardship, or navigating the challenges of financial stress, economic downturn or disaster in your small business, then book a free 45 minute session to understand how the RFCS program help improve your personal and financial future. You can also speak with them online or over the phone.

Organised by

RFCS Gippsland provide free, independent financial counselling and professional assistance for farmers and small rural businesses

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