Sustainable Packaging in Horticulture - WORKING GROUP UPDATE- 22 June 2021

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Sustainable Packaging in Horticulture - WORKING GROUP UPDATE- 22 June 2021

Please join us on Tuesday, June 22nd 2021 for an update on the PoPPr Program, as we round out Stage 1 - Business Case Development.

By Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO)

Date and time

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM PDT



About this event

PoPPr Program - Stage 1 - Business Case Development - Update

Since our last meeting in February, APCO and GIA, with support from the Project Steering Committee have worked closely with Sustainable Resource Use (SRU), to consolidate the fantastic work already done by the Sustainable Packaging in Horticulture Working Group since we first came together in 2019. The product of that work is a clear business case outlining the rationale for the development of a national recovery and recycling program for plant packaging and recommendations leading into Stage 2 - Scheme Design.

To mark this major milestone and the culmination of three months work involving extensive consultation across the entire horticultural packaging value chain, we are pleased to bring the completed Stage 1 - Business Case back to the Working Group, to explain where we have landed.

Peter Allan from SRU will join us to talk through the process he has undertaken and his findings over the course of the project. We will also review the recommendations presented in the Business Case and outline what happens next as we move into Stage 2 - Scheme Design.

We hope you can join us on Jun 22nd, to hear more about how you and your business can be actively involved in the next stage of the project and the development.

The GIA and APCO Teams

For updates on previous sessions, please find resources here:

Workshop - 13 October 2020 - Slide Deck

Workshop - 13 October 2020 - Summary Report

Workshop - 24 November 2020 - Slide Deck

Workshop - 24 November 2020 - Summary Report

Workshop - 16 February 2021 - Slide Deck

Workshop - 16 February 2021 - Summary Report

Organised by

The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is a not-for-profit organisation leading the development of a circular economy for packaging in Australia.

Our vision is a packaging value chain that collaborates to keep packaging materials out of landfill and retains the maximum value of the materials, energy and labour within the local economy.

APCO events provide opportunities to network, learn and engage with like-minded industry professionals collectively working towards achieving the National Packaging Targets.

Any questions? Please contact our team at

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