Tasty Trivia - food & wine trivia quiz FREE entry
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Tasty Trivia - food & wine trivia quiz FREE entry

This quiz night is a foodie's dream come true; we'll serve you up a menu of delicious culinary questions & interactive challenges.

By Tasty Trivia - trivia quiz night for food lovers!

Date and time

Monday, February 24, 2025 · 7 - 8:30pm AEDT


Terminus Hotel Pyrmont

61 Harris Street Pyrmont, NSW 2009 Australia


7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Tasty Trivia -Similar to other quiz events but more interactive and delicious!

Annie Fitzpatrick

Pre quiz (point earning) challenges - follow us @tastytriviasydney

7:00 PM

Mystery Kitchen Utensil - interactive, guess the name or the use

7:00 PM

5 True/False statements - you decide the correct answer!

Great Minds Drink Alike - 5 multi choice ? on beverages

5 Multi Choice questions on ingredients

10 answerable questions - no more multi choice

Dice Up Your Score - a point boosting chance to WIN the Golden Fork!

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

If you are hungry for a great foodies night out and have a taste for trivia - we've got you!

A fresh batch of epicurean questions & challenges are crafted every week so, gather your culinary companions and immerse yourselves in a feast of - laughter, cerebral conundrums, and a sprinkle of spirited rivalry amongst kindred gourmands!

There's no cost to enter, you could win $ prizes, take out the coveted Golden Fork Award and if that's not enough - you can BYO bottled wine!

See Tasty Trivia in action https://youtu.be/cdQIyv61Zt0

Frequently asked questions

Can I come along on my own or just bring one other?

YES! Tiny teams are welcome or, if you want to come on your own we can seat you at our friendly shared table ...

Do I have to be a food & wine expert?

NO, you just need to have an interest in all things culinary. Our questions cross over into other topics - geography, science, history and current affairs etc...

How many do we need to make a team?

Tiny teams are welcome at Tasty Trivia. 2 people = a team (and, have been known to WIN) Teams should contain a maximum of 8 players however, If you have more foodie friends, we can alwyas split your group into 2 at setat you at adjacent tables. It's all a movable feast at Tasty Trivia!

Do we have to order food & drinks as a group table?

NO! This is the beauty of Tasty Trivia... Everyone orders their own food & drinks at the bar. Staff will serve food to your table

Organized by

TASTY TRIVIA - the deliciously interactive food & drink quiz event.

Our questions will cross over into other areas - geography, history, science, current affairs + YOU KNOW MORE THAN YOU THINK YOU DO!

Join us for a night of Free Foodie Fun!