Teaching with Corpora in the human-machine era

Teaching with Corpora in the human-machine era

Teaching with corpora in the human-machine era : from the core to the peripheries

Date and time

Starts on Tue, 25 Oct 2022 4:00 AM PDT



About this event

The School of Languages and Cultures invites you to join us on our upcoming International Perspectives on Corpus Technology for Language Learning Seminar, Teaching with corpora in the human-machine era : from the core to the peripheries, presented by Fanny Meunier (UCLovain).


In her talk, Fanny Meunier will discuss the need to reconsider some key aspects of ‘teaching with corpora’ in our current high tech-saturated world. She will explain how the existence of NLP and AI-based technologies must prompt us to question some (perhaps too quickly ‘taken-for-granted’) aspects of using corpora in instructed settings. She will invite us to change our perspective and shift from a mainly applied linguistics mindset to an instructed SLA one. She will invite us to apply a ‘stop, think and act’ approach to re-assess the added value of using corpora in classrooms, and will show us that we might want to leave some well-trodden paths and actively explore new peripheries.

About the presenter

Fanny Meunier is full Professor of English language, linguistics and didactics at UCLouvain, Belgium. Her research interests include fundamental, applied and instructed Second Language Acquisition, bi-, multi- and plurilingualism, multiliteracies (including digital and corpus literacies). She is the current president of the research Institute for Language and Communication (ILC). She has been a member of the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics for 30 years, and its director from 2017 to 2020. She is the co-founder and co-spokesperson of the recently founded TeAMM research group (Teaching and Acquiring Multilingualism and Multiliteracies) at UCLouvain. She has also been active in pre- and in-service teacher training since 2000.

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