Kickstart Your Career in Tourism with the Tour Guiding Fundamentals Microcredential Course.
Australia’s tourism industry is growing rapidly, and so is the demand for skilled tour guides.
Reflecting this critical need, tour guides have been added to the National Occupation Shortage List, highlighting the growing opportunities in this field.
To address this demand, Tour Guides Australia is delivering the Tour Guiding Fundamentals course, a streamlined program designed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge.
Whether you’re looking to refresh your guiding skills, explore a career change, decide your next move as a graduate, or share your regional knowledge as a volunteer or retiree, this course is your gateway to success.
The course is led by industry professionals who both train and work as professional tour guides. Additional insights and current real-world experiences from accredited tour guides working in a diverse range of settings across Australia, are embedded in the course and shared with participants.
Participants can expect to gain basic knowledge, skills and understandings across six themes that Tour Guides Australia recognises as minimum industry standards for entry-level professional tour guides:
- Cultural and social awareness
- Customer service
- Occupational health and safety
- Safety and legislation
- Storytelling
- Organising a tour
The course will be delivered over 4 days
- Day 1 - Mon 20 Jan - Theory and homework
- Day 2 - Tue 21 Jan - Theory
- Wednesday 22 Jan - Independent field research to prepare for a mini-tour on the final day
- Day 4 - Thursday 23 Jan - Theory (morning) and mini-tour delivery (afternoon)
Morning tea is included on Days 1, 2 and 4
***Early Bird $595 - CLOSED
Business Pack
- Regular price $2000 (3-staff)
- Early Bird $2000 (4-staff) - CLOSED
Tour Guides Australia has undertaken professional tour guide accreditation and provided ongoing professional development for its members since 1985. It is a member-run organisation offering education, advocacy and career support.
Your Tour Guiding Fundamentals course registration includes FREE Affiliate membership with Tour Guides Australia until 30 June 2025. This is an important way you can remain connected to the tour guide industry and to be supported in your career journey.
Your successful completion of Tour Guiding Fundamentals may lead to accreditation with Tour Guides Australia and is aligned with a national strategy outcome to increase acceptance of micro-credentialing as a recognised and valued form of training in the visitor economy for tour guides. Participants will receive an industry-recognised certificate upon completion.
This course is currently being offered in Sydney, led by local professional tour guides working in the industry and with vocational education experience.
Recent p articipants found these aspects of the course most valuable:
- tools to become confident tour leaders
- everyone shared their experiences and tips so generously
- access to industry professionals
- learning from other participants
- working in small groups
- presentations from current working tour guides
- how to deal with difficult situations
Small class size!
EARLY BIRD pricing available!
Enrol now to guarantee a place!