Unlock Your Healing Power: Intro to EFT Tapping Workshop

Unlock Your Healing Power: Intro to EFT Tapping Workshop

Join our EFT workshop to release emotional blocks, heal deeply, and start manifesting the life you truly desire. Limited spots!

Date and time

Tuesday, October 8 · 10am - 1pm AEST


Allambee Sanctuary

36 Allambee Crescent Capalaba, QLD 4157 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Join us for a transformative workshop where you'll discover the profound power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping.

A simple yet powerful tool that helps you release emotional blocks, reduce stress, and restore balance within.

This isn't just another self-help technique; it's a gateway to self-empowerment, offering you the keys to healing and unlocking your deepest desires.

In This Workshop, You Will:

  • Learn the Fundamentals of EFT Tapping: Understand how this scientifically-supported technique can help you release trapped emotions and negative beliefs that are holding you back.
  • Explore the Connection Between Healing and Manifestation: Discover how clearing emotional blocks is crucial for aligning with your highest self and manifesting your goals.
  • Experience Hands-On Healing: Participate in guided tapping sessions to experience firsthand the immediate relief and clarity that EFT offers.
  • Walk Away Empowered: Leave with practical tools and insights that you can use in your daily life to continue your healing journey and create the life you desire.

Who Is This For?

This workshop is for anyone who are ready to break free from the patterns that no longer serve them. Whether you're just beginning your personal growth journey or looking to deepen your self-awareness, this workshop offers a safe and supportive environment to explore and heal.

Why EFT Tapping?

EFT tapping is a blend of ancient wisdom, modern psychology and neuroplasticity, designed to help you harness your body's innate ability to heal itself. By tapping on specific meridian points, you can release the emotional baggage that keeps you stuck, and have the opportunity to 'rewire' the brain for new possibilities, allowing you to move forward with a new found sense of calm, clarity and confidence.

What You'll Gain:

  • A deeper understanding of your emotional landscape and how it affects the way you feel and everything you think, say and do.
  • Practical tapping techniques that you can apply anytime, anywhere.
  • A renewed sense of purpose and direction as you clear the path to manifesting your desires.

Don't Miss This Opportunity!

Spaces are limited so reserve your spot today and take the first step toward unlocking your highest potential and the life you've always dreamed of.

Organized by

Belinda Hearn, founder of Embodied Life offers workshops, coaching and mentoring to support women in becoming their best self by breaking free from the fears, doubts and insecurities that hold them back and keep them stuck. The body knows how to heal itself and as we reclaim this innate power and reconnect with self it happens naturally, it doesn't have to be hard, overly complicated or take years, you have everything you need and your body knows what to do - you just might like someone to show you how it all works and what to expect.