Urban Bush Fremantle

Urban Bush Fremantle

Tiny forests in Australia mature in 10-20 years, offering big benefits to suburbs. Join Dr. Coupland to learn more.

Date and time

Thursday, October 3 · 6:30 - 8pm AWST


Sullivan Hall

2 Nannine Avenue White Gum Valley, WA 6162 Australia

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

This event is brought to you by the collaborative effort of the Fremantle Precinct Groups, Friends of Groups, and Valley Verges.

Tiny forests are sprouting up around Australia in spaces as small as just a few square metres. Because of the way they’re created, these forests can mature in 10 to 20 years — instead of 100 — potentially bringing big benefits to our suburbs where tree canopy is dwindling.

Join us for an enlightening evening with Dr. Grey Coupland, a leading ecologist who sees enormous potential in the rise of ‘tiny forests’. She is championing their development right here in Perth.

Dr. Coupland, the Urban Forest Program Leader at WA’s Harry Butler Institute, will share her insights on how these pocket forests are grown using the Miyawaki method, created by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki in the 1970s.

We will also hear from community verge gardening group Valley Verges about recent urban greening projects in White Gum Valley including micro urban wetlands that harvest rainwater to turbocharge local biodiversity.

Highlights of the Event:

  • Learn about the potential of tiny forests in urban areas, their rapid growth, and environmental benefits.
  • Understand the three main principles of the Miyawaki method: soil preparation, planting native species, and close planting.
  • Discover how these tiny forests can combat climate change and urban heat sink problems.
  • Explore the concept of micro-urban wetlands.

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