Registrations are closed
Thank you for registering to attend the inaugural Walpole Wilderness BioBlitz. Don't forget to download the iNaturalist app and familiarise yourself with using it. We will be in touch with regular updates and look forward to seeing you in the Spring.
Walpole Wilderness BioBlitz 2022
The Walpole Wilderness BioBlitz is a citizen science based event that will record as many species as possible over one weekend in October
Date and time
8 Nockolds Street Walpole, WA 6398 AustraliaRefund Policy
About this event
The Walpole Wilderness Area is the only gazetted wilderness in Western Australia. Although recognised for its outstanding beauty, highly specialised habitat, unique species and incredible biodiversity, this area is poorly studied. Located in the highest rainfall zone of WA, it contains a number of specialised habitats that act as refugia for species that are relics from ancient times. Climate change has caused a significant decrease in rainfall over the past few decades which has led to the decline or disappearance of some of these important relictual habitats. The bioblitz will record valuable information on rare, common and even new species in the Walpole Wilderness which will greatly contribute to our understanding and future management of this unique environment.
The Walpole Wilderness BioBlitz (WWBB) will comprise a series of surveys conducted by groups of up to 10 individuals. Within each group there will be experienced volunteers/ experts who will guide the group as to how best to capture the presence of species in the area. Most surveys will be about 3 hours long (Saturday morning 9 – 12, Saturday afternoon 1 – 4 and Sunday morning 9 – 12) but some groups may be out for longer. There will be a mix of activities to cater for differing levels of field experience and fitness. Most activities will include “off trail” walking (through vegetation and on uneven ground) with participants walking from up to 1km to over 10km. Some activities, such as photo identification, can be done remotely, so you can still participate from your own home anywhere in the world
The WWBB 2022 will be held in the Tingle forest approximately 5km from the townsite of Walpole. The Tingle forest is only found around the town of Walpole and is under threat from climate change. It is home to some of the largest trees in the world and contains many unique plants, invertebrates and fungi, many of which are relics from wetter times. This WWBB will give you the opportunity to experience the wonders of the tingle forest alongside experts and other like-minded individuals.
We are aiming to capture as much information as possible through the online platform of iNaturalist. This app allows you to take a photo of a specimen, upload it, then a community of naturalists offer suggestions on the identity – it is a widely accepted and reliable database with all observations being collated into the Atlas of Living Australia. As a volunteer we urge you to download the app onto your phone prior to the WWBB and familiarise yourself with it.
The Walpole Wilderness BioBlitz is being coordinated by volunteers from the Walpole Nornalup National Park Association (WNNPA). By becoming a member or making a donation, you will allow us to continue our conservation, research and promotion of this special part of the world.