WasteSorted Schools curriculum workshop

WasteSorted Schools curriculum workshop

Join the WasteSorted Schools program to learn how to avoid and recover waste, and integrate waste education into your curriculum.

By WasteSorted Schools

Date and time

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 · 9:30am - 3pm AWST


Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre

Corner Leach Hwy and Murdoch Drive Winthrop, WA 6150 Australia

About this event

Join the team from WasteSorted Schools for a hands-on look at sorting your school waste.

The workshop will include:

  • simple steps to getting your WasteSorted
  • tools for assessing your school waste
  • setting up waste sorting stations at school
  • how to engage students
  • behaviour change in schools
  • resources available for integrating curriculum
  • separate primary and high school working groups
  • examples from other schools

It is recommended that you complete the WasteSorted Schools online learning module prior to attending this workshop: https://wssonlinelearning.wa.gov.au/

The workshop is suitable for school staff including teachers, principals, administration staff and parents.

The workshop is FREE and teacher relief payments are available for two staff from each school.  

Organized by

WasteSorted Schools is a program of the Waste Authority and offers resources and support for schools to plan, implement and maintain waste reduction projects such as recycling, composting and worm farming.

The program helps schools to set up infrastructure and provides resources aimed at changing attitudes and behaviour in regard to sustainable waste management.

The program is FREE and available to all schools in Western Australia.

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