We Need You! - Introducing Ask AS to Service Providers

We Need You! - Introducing Ask AS to Service Providers

Ask AS is a FREE one-stop shop for NDIS providers and service seekers. Join us for a free webinar to understand the benefits of joining!

Date and time

Wed, 25 Sep 2024 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Ask AS is a new one-stop shop for NDIS providers, and service seekers! Join us for a free webinar about the platform, and why you should sign up (it's free to join!)

Who is this for?

Service providers (whether you're a sole trader, small business, or a larger organisation)!

What is the benefit of joining Ask AS? Firstly - it's FREE! For a limited time only, subscribe at no cost at all, to promote your business, day programs/groups/events, and job opportunities. Use the direct chat function to speak with participants and respond to their service requests. We aim to not only increase engagements, but also emphasise meaningful connections.

Organised by

A one-stop shop subscription platform for providers to elevate their business, and a free platform for participants to find exactly what they need. As a provider (i.e. sole trader, larger organisation, or small business) sell your services, post job vacancies to grow your team; promote your day programs, group outings, accommodation open days; and respond directly to service requests posted by service seekers (i.e. participants, carers, support coordinators, planners, etc.)

Sign up now on https://www.askas.com.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareaskas

Instagram: https://ww.instagram.com/weareaskas

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/82977552