To mark Earth Day 2024, the Green Rights Coalition is hosting webinars around the globe to explore the topic of Green Rights. The mission of the Coalition, which is based in France and operates worldwide, is to bring together those who wish to defend and disseminate environmental rights. Such rights are increasingly recognised domestically, regionally and internationally, and are seen as essential for the protection of nature and humanity.
The webinar will be broadcast from Room 920, Level 9, Melbourne Law School for Melbourne-based attendees, with the streaming facilitated by IILAH Research Fellow Alex Dela Cruz.
The Australian webinar is presented in partnership with the Melbourne Law School (including IILAH, the MCLE and MCF). This special session will allow attendees to hear from recognised experts:
- Professor Margaret Young, Melbourne Law School, ARC Future Fellow (Chair)
- Professor Jacqueline Peel, University of Melbourne, on "Green Rights and International Environmental Law"
- Dr. Erin O’Donnell, Melbourne Law School, on "Relational and Legal Personhood in Environmental Law"
- Mr. Dylan Victor Jnr Asafo, Melbourne Law School, on "Green Rights and the Pacific Islands"
Would you like to register for online attendance instead? Please register here!
Partners of the "Webinars Around The Earth": Sciences Po Aix, Société québécoise de droit international, University of Ottawa, Melbourne Law School, Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Barcelona, National Autonomous University of Mexico, University of Geneva, Centre international de Droit comparé de l’environnement, Common Home of Humanity, International Council of Environmental Law.